Sunday S’mores & A Photo Shoot

Sunday mornings are always crazy, but even more so when we have twin pre-teen boys in the house as well. We were running late in general, and we had stuff to do after church, so we were going to take 2 cars to church. So Emerson and I left, while the boys were finishing up. We got about 10 minutes away, and Jeff called to say they were all in the carport, and locked out of the house with no house or car keys. So we turned around. I unlocked the house for them, and pulled back out. I got about 2 minutes away this time, and he called again. This time to say he remembered where his keys actually were – in MY car. So I turned around for a second time. Eventually, we all made it to church, and were actually only about 20 minutes late. It could have been worse after all that though, right!? So then after all that I indulged in this super decadent s’mores donut during Sunday school, which was surprisingly good. 

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The Boys Are Back In Town

Jeff drove to pickup the boys again today. They will be here for another two weeks, before heading back to South Carolina for the school year. So Emerson and I spent most of the day just us two, and had so much fun! And look at her adorable romper! (We love hand-me-downs!) After a few minutes of play time, we started the day with breakfast together, and she loved that applesauce pouch.

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Chick-fil-A & Baby Time

The best part of the working hours of the day was definitely when Jeff called to say he would be out & about, and did I want him to bring me lunch? I of course jumped at the chance and asked for my favorite from Chick-fil-A! Spicy chicken sandwich on a multigrain bun with extra pickles & honey roasted BBQ sauce, plus obviously fries & sweet tea. And since it was pouring rain, my work-friend Toni didn’t want to go out, so Jeff ordered her a sandwich too. So I also got to stay indoors where it was dry and dark, and I read my book while eating fried chicken. Yum.

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Surprises from Hubby

Tonight’s blog post is dedicated to my sweet hubby, who I don’t brag on nearly often enough. He does all sorts of things for our family around the house (like always take out the diapers, trash & recycling), and he just takes such good care of Emerson and I. Most recently, he was sweet take it upon himself enough to order me a few things on Amazon he knew I needed, but hadn’t actually asked for.

He got me a new PopSocket when my old one wore out, and he nailed the style/color/design choice, that’s just so perfect for me. It matches my phone perfectly, and my nails currently match both. …

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Mamma Mia! with Mama & Sissy

My baby girl wore this adorable hand-me-down romper (from her sweet Sunday school teacher) to school today, and the blue looks so good on her! I love her best in blues, greens, & purples, rather than the traditional girly pink options, so this blue romper is one of my new faves. I sent the photos to family this morning, and said, “Emerson is rompin’ around school today!”

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Church & A Restful Afternoon

This morning our Sunday started out with another Mommy-Daughter breakfast. Today we had pears & peach Cheerio’s, and more Activia for Emmie. (Poor girl is still having some constipation issues.) Jeff had to be at church super early today at 7:30 (we usually don’t get there until at least 9am, for Sunday school at 9:15), but as a Deacon, he was in charge of all the prep for the Lord’s Supper. So it was just me & Emmie for breakfast, and it was a sweet time together. 

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Fabulous Friday

Y’all, Emerson had a GREAT day at school today. One of her favorite part-time staffers was in her room this morning, and Emmie was so excited to see her, she actually leaned & reached for her while I was holding her. Moments like that make it easier to leave her there every day! And then the school sent us all of these great photos of her having a blast out on the playground this morning!

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Puppy Pants + Protection

We almost missed the window to wear this little outfit Emerson got for Christmas. (Pretty sure they’re from Jeff’s mom?) But we got them out of the drawer today, and they’re adorable! We have a mini long-haired Doxie, so the puppies on this outfit are just like her puppy! Perfect!

And now that I’m writing this (and she’s sound asleep in her crib), I realize we totally should have tried to get a photo of Emerson & Pretzel together!

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Tight Pants & New Shoes + ENT Appointment

Well it’s now Tuesday night, and Emerson hasn’t had a fever since Sunday morning, so I’m thinking we’re officially out of the viral woods! (Knock on wood that I didn’t just jinx her/us.) She went back to daycare today, even though she seemed to not be feeling quite a good as usual. I think she’s just still not completely well, so she was quieter & calmer this morning. She is however wearing a new outfit and new shoes, so maybe that’s making her feel a little better? Her little pants are adorable, but a little tight, and I kept singing the “tight pants” song from Jimmy Fallon. But look at these kitty shoes! These are one of the two pairs we got at Walmart yesterday for $5 each, and they’re just too cute.

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Baby’s Getting Better!

We went to the doctor’s office first thing this morning, even though she hadn’t had a fever since first thing yesterday morning. Our usual doctor/friend Abby was off today, but we saw Mona the nurse practitioner, who we also really like. She said Emerson’s lungs sounded great and her ears were clear. So that means it was probably just something viral. We still kept her home one more day today though.

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Sick Baby Sunday

Well the day started out with Emerson crying screaming at 5:45am. We went running into her room, and she was drenched in sweat and super upset. She had another fever, back up to 103. We got her changed and calmed down, and then I just held her in the living room recliner for about an hour, while we both dozed off and on. Then we snuggled and watched Moana for a while. Finally, she started perking up and waking up, and so we got some breakfast. Daddy went to church, but Mommy & Baby stayed home.

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Well after Emerson felt so bad last night (high fever & a one-time vomit), I was expecting today to still be rough. She woke up this early this morning with a relatively low fever, so I gave her some meds right away. And then the fever never came back! She wasn’t her usual spunky self, but she was pretty good. She ate pears for breakfast, and then while I cooked & ate my own breakfast, she had a TON of blueberry Puff’s and peach Cheerio’s.

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Donut Breakfast & Quesadilla Supper

Today for school spirit Friday, Emerson was rocking her “Fun to Be Fit” summer daycare shirt. And even though it’s a size 2T and obviously huge, she’s still adorable in it. And something about the t-shirt instead a onesie makes her seem like such a big girl. And those little shorty-shorts! Ah! Kill me!

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