July 2021

Milk Drunk

Today was pretty much just another regular Monday… We started off the day with a chaotic morning drop-off with the triplets. (Emmie and Addie were great, as was Ellie, but Kensley & Riley got pretty upset.)

But actually, our morning started off before that, but not as early as usual, because Addison slept like an actual baby last night! She ate at Grammy’s house around 5:30pm yesterday, went to sleep at our house around 8pm, and then slept through the entire night until my 6am alarm woke us all up! I was shocked!! So she slept for 10 hours, and went 13 hours between bottles, and I was just flabbergasted, and so thankful for such a great nights’ sleep, for all of us!

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Tie-Die Scrunchie

Addison had a bottle yesterday around 5pm. We tried to feed her again around 8pm, but she didn’t really want to eat. We got her to sleep around 9:30-ish, and then she slept all through the night, and didn’t eat again until 5:30am! I was shocked! And then she ate 4oz when she typically eats only 3oz, so she did great! Then both girls cuddled up under one blanket this morning before getting ready for school.

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Baby’s First Bathtub Bath

The color of the week at school this week was orange, so today was “wear orange” day. They put up the signs about it last week, so Emmie and I started talking about it last Friday. I told her I knew Addison didn’t have an orange shirt, and I was pretty sure that she didn’t either, but that we could look. But then she was like, “Mommy, we have those pink shirts with oranges on them!” She remembered them from when we bought them a month or so ago, but hadn’t worn them yet. And of course that was a great idea, and I was so proud of her for coming up with that idea all on her own. It was perfect, and they looked absolutely adorable today!

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Peanuts & Praise Team

My two beautiful, blue-eyed girls, both wide-eyed and ready for another day at school! Emerson was actually dying to go to school this morning. We had gotten ready a little bit early today, and were just killing time before we had to leave home, and she was whining like, “Can we pleeeeease go to school now?!” I love that she loves her school! Today was Junior Gym day though, so I’m sure that had something to do with it!

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A Full Night of Sleep

Y’all, we had such a great night last night! Addie finished her last bottle around 7pm, Jeff held her for a long time, and then I swaddled her and laid her in the Boppy at 8pm. I washed dishes while she just stared around the room, and she fell asleep at 8:30pm. I relocated her to her bassinet in our bedroom around 10:30, and girlfriend slept allllll through the night, until I finally got her up at 6:15am. And even then she was just lightly stirring and not even fully awake yet. That’s the longest she’s gone between bottles and her first true overnight sleep, and I was SO PROUD of her! She ate really well, and then fell back asleep again, until we got to her classroom.

So we were all up and at ’em happily and easily this morning!


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