Butterball Baby
While getting ready for school this morning, Addie had herself a little fit about wearing her sparkle boots. But Emmie gave her a little kiss on the head, helped her sit on the stack of books, and then she was happy again!
While getting ready for school this morning, Addie had herself a little fit about wearing her sparkle boots. But Emmie gave her a little kiss on the head, helped her sit on the stack of books, and then she was happy again!
Wednesday’s are always chaotic, busy, long days, which somehow leads to fewer photos on those days. So today’s post will be super brief. The girls wore matching penguin shirts for the cold weather today, even though technically I guess they’re supposed to be Christmas shirts, we’re just pretending their “winter” shirts instead.
Emerson was out of school today for President’s day today, so she got to spend the day with her Grandmommie! And Addison was just happy and excited to get to get to see her at school for a minute!
President’s Day on the Playground Read More »
Today was my turn to serve in GC Kids, so I grabbed Dunkin on my way and went in early. I had laid out dresses for the girls, and Jeff got them dressed and they all came at the regular time. It was flooding when they got there, but luckily they were prepared with their own umbrellas and rain boots!
Umbrellas & Rain Boots Read More »
The girls actually let us sleep in a little bit, until about 8:15am, which felt so nice. Once we finally got up and moving out of the house, it was time for a late mid-morning breakfast at Wendy’s.
The Biker’s Hideout Read More »
Happy Valentine’s Day, friends and family! Look at these two cuties, ready for Valentine’s parties and exchanging little treats with their friends.
Family Valentine’s Date Read More »
Today’s V-Day themed outfits were both cute dresses with little hearts for my sweetie pies!
We started wearing some festive Valentine’s outifts today, since we have so many pink or heart things in the girls’ closets. (And if you look closely, you can see Addie chose to eat just a plain piece of white bread for a morning snack today.)
I had two very smiley girlies this morning, even though we were all very sleepy and running a bit late…