A Full Night of Sleep

Y’all, we had such a great night last night! Addie finished her last bottle around 7pm, Jeff held her for a long time, and then I swaddled her and laid her in the Boppy at 8pm. I washed dishes while she just stared around the room, and she fell asleep at 8:30pm. I relocated her to her bassinet in our bedroom around 10:30, and girlfriend slept allllll through the night, until I finally got her up at 6:15am. And even then she was just lightly stirring and not even fully awake yet. That’s the longest she’s gone between bottles and her first true overnight sleep, and I was SO PROUD of her! She ate really well, and then fell back asleep again, until we got to her classroom.

So we were all up and at ’em happily and easily this morning!


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