Y’all, we had such a great night last night! Addie finished her last bottle around 7pm, Jeff held her for a long time, and then I swaddled her and laid her in the Boppy at 8pm. I washed dishes while she just stared around the room, and she fell asleep at 8:30pm. I relocated her to her bassinet in our bedroom around 10:30, and girlfriend slept allllll through the night, until I finally got her up at 6:15am. And even then she was just lightly stirring and not even fully awake yet. That’s the longest she’s gone between bottles and her first true overnight sleep, and I was SO PROUD of her! She ate really well, and then fell back asleep again, until we got to her classroom.
So we were all up and at ’em happily and easily this morning!
Emerson always says the funniest stuff, and I will text it to myself to remember it for later, so here are some of the things she’s said lately, that I keep forgetting to share…
— I’m not ready to have them 15. (When talking about her brothers turning 15 later in July.)
— Sometimes I save my yawns for later. (No idea the context for this one!?)
— That’s a small car. How are they going to put a lot of groceries in that trunk?! (When we passed a tiny Mazda convertible.)
— Who doesn’t like ice cream soup? No one in the world. (When her ice cream got kind of melty.)
— Don’t like it, licked the inside. (When I made her taste something new.)
Both girls had good days at school again today, eating well, and napping well, doing crafts (for big sissy), and bicycle pushes (for baby sissy).
Beautiful afternoon sunlight on our drive home.
Then both girls were entertained, with Addison in her swing (she still need some “support” via blankets down the side because she’s so tiny), and Emerson ringing up all the groceries, while I got dinner ready.
Tonight was “taquito Tuesday” with yellow rice and black beans, and all of us cleaned our plates, as usual. Although, I think Emerson ate more sour cream than anything else tonight 😉
Emerson took a really quick shower after dinner, which I helped with, although she’s almost got it all under control herself these days, and Jeff gave Addison a bottle.
And then she wanted a manicure and pedicure with the new spa kit Grammy and Papa gave her for her birthday. (It also came up with a small blow-up unicorn foot bath, but we skipped that part since she had just gotten a shower.) But dang if these weren’t the smallest nail polish bottles I’ve ever seen!
We were watching Frozen II during her mani/pedi, and she was very into it, and just singing along so cute and sweet!
She also picked out a few of the cute little stickers to put on a couple of my fingers. But her poor little stubby toes were too small for the stickers!
She grabbed a snack and picked out a book, and we got her ready for bedtime.
Baby Sister had fallen asleep on Daddy while Emmie and I were doing all of her stuff, and she was so precious with those squishy little lips!
I was able to very easily and successfully transfer her to the Boppy and swaddle her up like a little teacup pig in a blanket, all without her even peeking an eye open!
I washed up all the dishes and all the bottles, and Jeff finished Emmie’s bedtime tuck-in routine. We ended up starting “Loki” on Disney+ last night, and finished the first episode. So we’re gonna watch the next episode now, before bedtime. Hoping and praying Addison sleeps all though the night again tonight!!!