September 2021
Ten Apples Tall
These two precious girls are always so sweet and happy first thing in the morning, and their sweetness is the perfect kick-start for a tired Mommy’s day!
Fiesta Lunch
Emerson insisted on wearing this dress today. And although it was a little fancier than her normal school-clothes, and I tried to get her to save it for church, she still looked absolutely beautiful! And sweet little Addison looked adorable as always!
Spicy Tuna Sushi Bowl
Addison may have woken up at 3:45 am for her first bottle, but she immediately went back to sleep, and stayed asleep until Jeff went into her room to get her up for school around 7am. Emmie slept until 6:40, which is “late” for her, so we actually had a pretty decent morning today!
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Rainbow Party
Both of my girls looked absolutely beautiful, for a cool morning, and a lovely day at church!
From Sweatshirt to Swimming
In true Florida “fall” fashion, today started in a sweatshirt, and moved on to swimming!
To start, we went out to breakfast again for the second Saturday in a row (which is unusual for us), but this time we met up with Nana and PopPop at Canopy Road Cafe. It was chilly this morning, which I thought felt great, but Emerson insisted on dressing like it was dead in the middle of winter.
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Pilea Plants
Both of my girls woke up at least twice during the night again last night (not quite sure what’s going on with Emerson, but Addison is at least easy to give a bottle and get back to sleep), but both were still sweet and happy and ready for school this morning! Emerson’s “G” bag this week was filled with a guinea pig, green colored pencil, green turtle, and glasses.
Lazy Sick Day
Such happy, beautiful little girls! Even after another rough night with lots of wake-up’s from both girls…
Baby Blue’s
Addison woke up at 12:30am for a midnight bottle, I got her back in the bed around 2am, and then she woke up again at 5am for another bottle. She ended up not actually wanting to eat more than an ounce then, but fell back asleep easily enough, so I just laid her on the Boppy, and napped next to her for about 30 minutes before we had to get up for school and work.
Sunlight & Sherbet
Soo, last night wasn’t so great – Emerson wet the bed around 4:20 (she’s only done this before a hand full of times, and it’s been so long I can’t even remember when she last did it), and then Addison woke up at 4:45, hungry and ready for a bottle. I ended up sleeping about 45 minutes late, so we were chaotic and rushed getting ready for school and work. Despite all that, both girls were sweet and happy, and we made it work!
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Changing Seasons
You can tell by the lighting in these photos, that the seasons are starting to change and the time of sunrise is changing every day. In fact, tomorrow will officially be the first day of fall! So it seemed appropriate for Emerson to wear this little fall-themed dress for school today. Grammy actually bought it when we were in Jacksonville last year for her surgery, but it was too big then. It fit perfect today though, finally!
Be Your Zest Self
Baby Addie girl did so well in her bed last night! Look how happy she was this morning! We put her in her crib around 9:30 last night, she woke up at 11:30 and Jeff fed her a bottle, and got her laid back down around 12:30. She was fussing around 4am, so I went in and flipped her from her tummy to her back, and she settled right back down. Then she stayed asleep until 7:15, when Emmie and I went in to wake her up!
Bada Breakfast with Friends
We had a big, fun, adventurous day, and it’s late and I’m tired, and I still need to repaint my toenails tonight before bedtime! This morning, we met up with friends for breakfast at The Bada Bean. We hadn’t seen Louis and Ashlee since before Addison was born, so it was great to hang out with them. This was also my first time eating here, and it was so good!
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Friday Night Biscuits
The letter this week for Emerson was “F,” so last night we dug around in her room looking for something for show & tell. She decided to bring a French fry and Marshall from Paw Patrol who’s a firefighter. And both girls were just as sweet and happy as always!
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Unicorns & Polka Dots
Today was “wear your favorite color” day to school, and of course Emerson chose pink! And a pink unicorn, at that! Addison was a polka dot girl of many colors today, since she doesn’t have her own favorite color yet 😉
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Subs & FroYo
Welp, Little Miss Addison seems to have officially started her 4-month sleep regression. She’s woken up in the middle of the night around 1am for a bottle for a few nights in a row now. She has also started trying to roll over in her sleep, and constantly busts out of her swaddles. So, looks like time to stop the swaddles! This was this morning after I completely un-velcro’ed her swaddle, when she was getting fussy, then she rolled over like this and went back to sleep for a while, until we got her up to get ready for school.
Roasted Peanuts
I’m ridiculously tired tonight (Addie has been going through a slight sleep regression the last few days, or maybe just a growth spurt – she’s been waking up around 1am for a bottle, when she used to sleep through the entire night), and it’s already a little later than usual, so here goes a quick recap…
Super easy drop-off at school this morning, even after a slightly late & chaotic start at home.
Addie’s First Veggies
Another Monday, another start to a new week. And my girls were just as happy and sweet as ever!
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Latte Art
My beautiful girl, wearing an adorable new dress for church this morning, and carrying the goodie bag from yesterday’s Princess Party as today’s purse.
Princess Party
For some reason, I didn’t photograph our day as much as I usually do… we made scrambled eggs and crescent rolls for breakfast, and then spent a few hours doing chores and laundry and yard work, so I just wasn’t taking photos during all of that…
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