Brand new outfit #2 for my baby girl this week, complete with her monogram on her little fishy skirt! The skirt was a gift before she was born, and she finally fits into it! Note: it’s 3-6-month size, and she’ll be 13 months on Thursday.
This afternoon, I spent two and a half hours at the dentist office today, for my first-time patient consultation. (The first 45 minutes of that was reading magazines & watching soap operas.) Ugh. I got x-rays, and a “full panel,” and left with another appointment for “gengival therapy” because apparently my “gums are angry,” says the dentist, Dr. Good. It’s been a few years since I’ve had regular check-ups, so I guess that’s what happens.
I had planned to go back to work after the dentist, but it took so long, it wouldn’t have been worth it. So I got to pick up Emerson early instead! Jeff took the boys to see a movie tonight, since Tuesday night movies are cheaper. So I called my mom to see what they were up to, and Emmie and I went to hang out with Grammy and Pepaw for the night. Emerson got to play with all the groceries, and she tried to take a bite out of pretty much all the things.
We had homemade shepherd’s pie for dinner (one of my favorite things my mom makes), and Emerson absolutely loved it! The tiny plate on the left below is hers, and by the time I took the photo, she had already had about half. And then she ate a whole entire second helping as well! I mostly fed her with a spoon, and then we tried practicing with her using the spoon herself, and she did pretty well, but then she got tired of that, and just wanted to grab it with her hands. And then she just leaned over and went “bobbing for apples” on her plate, and came back up with a mouth full of mashed potatoes and cheese! It was hilarious, and the three of us were dying laughing at her! (I’ve been trying for 30 minutes now to upload a video, but it’s not working. Technical difficulties, ugh!)
We left there in time to get my girl a bath, since she was practically covered from head to toe in mashed potatoes. Also, please notice the line of rubber duckies my dad has bought for her. He’s started her collection for her, like he has for himself.
And today I got my August subscription from Julep in the mail. It started out (like 10-ish years ago?) as nail polish only, but now they do all sorts of makeup and skin and beauty products. It’s $20/month, and always comes with 3-4 products. I only get it a few times a year, and “skip” most of the months, but sometimes I like the colors and the products so much, I just have to get it that month! This month, I really wanted to try their new under-eye treatment brightener (because, you know, #momlife and dark under-eye circles), so that’s why I decided to get the box this time around. I actually wear Julep eye shadow every single day, and I love their citrus face wash stick. This isn’t an #ad for them, I just love their stuff a lot, and have been using it for the past six years.
And just for an update about last night after I published my post, I was able to get almost all of those clothes in one plastic tub. I got 2 of the 3 boxes, and all of the hanging stuff into the tub. Going to get another one for the other box, and the small stack of tiny pj’s, and then we’ll be pretty much all settled. Also, I just wanna brag on my husband, who not only knows how to fix his car when it breaks down (like a few weeks ago), but he also fixes/builds computers too. What a smart man! I’m always impressed with the things he knows how to do.
Anyways, I’ve almost finished with another episode of Gilmore Girls while I’ve been blogging, and then I’m going to go enjoy the peace and quite before Jeff and the boys get back from their movie!