December 2019

A Look Back at Two Thousand Nineteen

I know literally everyone says stuff like this, and it’s so cliche, but for real, how did the year fly by so fast? I wrote a round-up post last year for 2018, and I loved that post (and y’all did too!). So I definitely wanted to do it again this year…

I blogged literally every single day for a year, the triplets were born, Emerson turned two and Ryan & Gabe turned 13, we celebrated six years of marriage, my parents& sister both bought new houses… Those are the big milestones, but of course there are so many other little day-to-day moments I’m so glad I wrote down, so we can keep up with the “ordinary” things like cute stuff Emerson says, or new recipes we tried, or hundreds of other tiny moments.

I wrote 369 blog posts, my page views doubled from over 20,000 in 2018 to over 40,000 in 2019, and my “users” also doubled from 2,800 in 2018 to over 4,400 in 2019. They came from 48 U.S. States (all but Alaska & South Dakota), and 51 countries (what!?), with most of them obviously coming from Florida. And most of you are still reading on your cell phones. (I am still shocked by these numbers!) …

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Stone Age Babies

So all last week, Emerson woke up wayyy too early, at like 6:30 pm, when we could have been sleeping in since we were off work for six days straight. Then yesterday, she slept until 8am, when I was up at 7:30 to shower for church, and today, she was still sleeping at 7am when we went in to wake her up from school. Clearly, toddlers have no concern for the sleeping patterns of their parents. Crossing my fingers she’ll let us sleep in tomorrow!

When we pulled into the parking lot, she yelled, “Schooooool!” Followed closely by, “I need a muffin!” She was in the best mood, and even after a full week away, she still ran to Ms. Sheila when we walked in the classroom, and we had a perfect drop-off.


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Picking Kumquats

We played another round of Stranger Things Monopoly last night. It was my turn to be the banker, and the game actually went really well! At 11pm, we were all pretty much neck & neck. I ended the game with six properties, six forts (=houses), and almost $500. Much better than the night before! We decided to just call it a draw and quit at 11, since we had to get up super early today, and we were all pretty evenly matched.


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Waffle Master

So last night, we ended up playing Monopoly until almost midnight. It was so fun! Ryan swept us all away though. You can see below where four of my eight properties were mortgaged, and I still had less than $50 total. And it got even worse after this, when Ryan put hideouts (=hotels) on three of his properties, I landed on the most expensive one, and owed him $1,000! It was at that point, we decided to call it quits.


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McGonagall & Monopoly

OK so we’re going to start today’s post with last night’s snack. We were playing games together after getting Emmie to bed, and I wanted to try out one of my new gifts! Jeff got me this silicone popcorn popper bowl thingy – all you do is put in plain kernels, and microwave it for a couple of minutes. The directions said 1/4 to 1/2 cup, so we went with 1/2 cup, so there would be enough for all four of us. But it was clearly too much! But it was really easy and really good, and we can’t wait to use it more!


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Christmas Day 2019

I loved waking up early in the morning, seeing our beautiful tree, with presents wrapped up all nice & neat underneath. Sheppy even found his way back to the stable last night, to see baby Jesus be born into a manger. (On a much more shallow note – I hate that Emmie’s stocking doesn’t match the rest of ours, so I wanted to get her a new one, and I completely forgot about it until late last night.)


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Christmas Spectacular

Jeff and the boys got home late last night, after Emerson was already asleep, so she didn’t get to see them until this morning. She actually woke up at 6:30am, so her and I had some good cuddles on the couch together, just the two of us. She was just dying to wake everyone up. I got to to wait until about 7:45, but then she couldn’t wait any longer!


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Pajama Day

There are Christmas-themed dress-up days every day at school this week. Yesterday was “wear Christmas socks,” but she doesn’t have any, so we skipped it. I did get her these adorable Rudolph jammies at Walmart the other day specifically for this week, though, since she loves jammies and they were only $7, and she’ll still be able to wear them for the next year, since she’s so tiny 😉


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