Taylor Swift & Wonder Woman

Skipping right ahead to Sunday afternoon, where we attended two fall festivals, on East Mahan & West Tennessee (just funny both churches are on the same road, just opposite ends of town). Generically, Emerson is a cheerleader, but specifically, she’s Taylor Swift from the “Shake It Off” music video. And sweet baby sister looked adorable in big sister’s hand-me-down Wonder Woman costume!

First, we went to Immanuel Baptist, where my parents go to church, and were actually in charge of their whole giant event. They had almost 70 different trunks, snow cones, games, popcorn and bounce houses. And the girls had such a great time! Great job planning this, Mama – you did a great job, and I’m proud of you!

I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, poor little Addie Pie has her left arm all wrapped up. She hurt her arm playing late Friday afternoon, and Jeff ended up taking her to Urgent Care kinda late Friday night. They took x-rays, but couldn’t really see any issues, and referred us to TOC.

So Saturday afternoon, my parents met me up at TOC because she was still in so much pain. We saw a doctor, and he reviewed the x-rays, but saw no break or fractures. He thought it was “nursemaid’s elbow,” and manipulated the tendon back into place, but wanted to put a splint on it. But now, it’s Sunday night, and she cries every time we take the splint off just to change her clothes, and acts like she’s still in terrible pain. We already have a follow-up appointment scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, but it seems like she’s still in too much pain, so we’ll see how she does the next few days. Please be praying for my little Addison!

Meanwhile, Emerson woke up at 4:45am Saturday and threw up, then went back to sleep. But between 7:30-9am, she threw up 5 more times! It ended up just being a stomach bug, and she was completely fine by that afternoon. But between all the illness and injury, it was a rough, chaotic day, and so that’s why I didn’t even blog yesterday…

Anyways, back to Diana & Taylor having fun!

And then after a while at my parents’ church, we headed back over to our side of town to go to the fall festival at our church, at Generations. There were more games, and bounce houses, and hayrides, and pony rides, and a nice little preschool area for the tiniest ones. Great job with all the planning, Bo & Meg – you and your whole GC Kids team did such a great job, and I’m so glad we’re a part of the GC Family!

This was Addison’s first pony ride, and she absolutely loved it! She had the biggest smile on her face the whole time!

Her holding the popcorn like this, is literally the first time she’s used that left hand/arm since she injured it on Friday. So if she wants a snack badly enough, she’ll figure out a way to get it 😉

Riley came rushing over to us after getting her face painted, and she was so excited for this crazy skull face she had picked out 🙂

Emmie was dying to do these giant hamster balls, so we waited in line for 20 minutes, and then when it was finally her turn, she was too light and tiny to actually push the thing, so the lady working this station had to come push her around.

Baby nugget loved the pineapple lemonade her and Daddy got while I was in the hamster ball line with Emmie. I love her tiny lips and her bright blue eyes.

We had a really, truly, terrible experience trying to get dinner from McDonald’s afterwards, but we’re not gonna talk about it. We did finally eat once we got home, and got the girls into bed, albeit much later than their actual bedtime is supposed to be. Now, it’s been a chaotic, busy, stressful, fun, crazy weekend, and I’ve got to get some good sleep.

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