Two Paper Airplanes Flying

So at midnight last night, 1989 Taylor’s Version was released. But after a few rough nights with sick baby, I was too tired to stay up until midnight to listen (but very thankful Addison actually slept through the night last night!). So instead, of course I listened to it first thing this morning while I was getting ready for the day! (Today’s title is of course from Taylor lyrics.)

Addison stayed home with Grandmommie again today, so it was just Emerson for morning pictures before school.

Grandmommie got to our house early this morning, Jeff took Emmie to school as always, and I went straight to the dentist. Unfortunately I had to get a couple cavities filled, and that was less than comfortable… But I popped in one ear bud and listened to an audio book to distract me from the literally drilling in my head. (And used my giant oversized sweater as a blanket the whole time.)

And apparently on Friday’s, my dentist brings his adorable pup Winnie to work with him, and she literally just roams the whole office wherever she wants, visiting all the staff and patients. So now I plan to always schedule my appointments on Friday’s 🙂

I accidentally agreed to a birthday lunch on the same day as my dentist appointment, which meant my mouth was still numb at lunch time. We went to Nelson’s Burger Bar, and everyone loved their food. I wasn’t ready to eat yet though, so I ordered mine to-go, and ate it back at the office later, once the numbing had worn off a little bit more. (If you look closely, you can see the right side of my mouth is a little droopier than usual. I didn’t even notice until looking at the picture just now; didn’t even notice the first 3 times I looked at the picture today.)

So apparently every this week on their way to school, Emerson has read the sign at Faith Presbyterian about their fall festival tonight. She kept hinting at him about wanting to go, maybe subtle or not-so-subtle, but we decided Jeff would take Emerson to the trunk-or-treat, while I stayed home to rest with Addison. Emmie had a great time, and even ran into a few friends from school and summer camp, brought home balloons, and tons of candy!

Back at home, Addie Pie and I watched Mickey and Friends trick-or-treating in my bed, cuddly and cozy, with this goofball making silly faces. Eventually I made her a little cup of mac & cheese, and spoon fed her while she ate the entire thing. She hasn’t been eating too well the last few days, so I was glad she ate so much tonight.

Jeff and Emmie went through the drive-thru on their way home (they missed the free hot dogs at the festival, they were all gone by the time they got there since they were late), and brought back dinner for the three of us that didn’t each mac & cheese.

Emmie checked out “The Giving Tree” from her school library today, and read it to me tonight. It’s been one of my favorites since I was a kid, and about half the time it actually makes me cry. But she was so sweet reading it tonight.

I accidentally let one of my Kindle library loans linger in my “shelf” for too long, and now I only have 3 days left to finish it, and I just started it this morning! I’m about 20% now, so I’ve got to read as much as I can this weekend so I can finish it. It’s Emily Henry’s latest novel “Happy Place,” and it’s so popular right now, I’ve already waited months, and it would take more months for the hold to come back around if I don’t finish it in three days. So anyways, I’m off to read!

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