Monthly Meal-Plan

These two sisters might both be early-morning risers, but at least they let me call back asleep on the couch for a little bit 😉

And then big Sissy was ready for school, and her first day of summer Junior Gym classes! A gymnastics teacher comes to her school every Friday for a couple of months during the summer, and she gets to take cute little gymnastics classes!

Addie had a bottle, and then snoozed away in her bassinet, and Jeff brought home a special treat – breakfast from Bagel Bagel, which was delicious of course.

She woke up not too long after that, so we spent some time in her sunshine-filled room, playing and doing tummy time.

She was hungry again after that, so she had a bottle and fell asleep on my chest, where I let her stay for quite some time. I had a post-partum gestational diabetes video-class with the diabetes center this moening, and she slept right here through fhe whole thing.

Once I laid her down though, I got busy on a few things. Jeff is picking up the boys tomorrow, and they will be here for four weeks. So yesterday, I asked for new recipes and meal suggestions on Facebook, and y’all helped so much! Then today, I made the meal-plan for the next month, and made my Walmart grocery order for next week. I also wrote a couple more thank-you cards for some things we’ve gotten this past week, and stuffed and addressed the invitations to Emerson’s 4th birthday party. It’s crazy that my first girl will be four next month!

After a quick shower, a quick lunch for me, and another bottle for Addison, I went back to work on my puzzle, with my afternoon iced coffee and the last slice of pound cake.

And I finally finished it! I had to re-work the top edge, and I found a piece of the left edge that had been left out, but I got it figured out, and it looks so great! I’ve already added the puzzle saving glue to my Walmart order, because I want to preserve this, and probably frame it and hang it, since I love St. Augustine so much!

We haven’t gotten many photos of Emmie at school lately, but today we got lots, and I loved it! (I think she had a substitute teacher today, and they sent more than usual, which was great.)

We had a hodge-podge of leftovers for dinner tonight, followed by Emerson announcing she would have a popsicle for dessert, since she ate such a good dinner 😝

Emerson did great at bedtime again, and Addison had a rough evening again. The “witching hour” had been difficult the last few nights (brings out tears for both me and her), but we make it through, and then she sleeps really well overnight, so… Eh. What are you gonna do. We’ll get through this phase eventually!

1 thought on “Monthly Meal-Plan”

  1. Pingback: Completed Puzzle | Pullen's Cozy Corner

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