Lovelight Farms

Some silly faces from these silly girls to start off our morning today. Emerson actually spent the day at her grandparents’ house, so she got to head out the door still in her jammies.

And today was supposed to be “Christmas socks” day for Addie, but we don’t have any Christmas socks, so she was just cute in a hand-me-down t-shirt.

My boss brought our Christmas presents today,and she got me this super cute vintage citrus puzzle! I love all things lemon & orange themed, so this was actually perfect, but she didn’t even realize that, she just thought it was cute! Oh plus, the little book-themed ornament, which is somehow my first bookish ornament (other than the Harry Potter characters), so that’s cool too.

I made breakfast for dinner tonight, with biscuits, eggs, bacon, strawberries and bananas. We finished eating perfectly in time to get Emerson to church for her Christmas party, in a cute new Christmas outfit from Nana. Regular Wednesday night service was actually cancelled (due to funeral service things for a church member), so I just dropped her off, and came back home.

While Emmie was at church, I washed up a load of dishes (and listened to this super cute little Christmas fake-dating rom-com that I’m loving, with the cutest title), and Jeff started a load of laundry and then folded a load or two of clean clothes. I went back an hour later to pick her up, with all her little party goodies, and got some gas while I was out as well.

Emmie was tired and went to sleep easily, but at 9pm, Addie was stomping up and down the hallway for some odd reason. So Jeff is still cuddling her, getting her warm and cozy and sleepy, and then hopefully she’ll be ready for bed soon…

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