When we got into Emerson’s class today, there had been two classes combined in there, and it was kind of a mess. Ms. Q started straightening up, and Emerson wanted to help. She picked up all the little phones to put them back on the cabinet, but she was kind of throwing them up there, and they were making a super loud noise, and she just thought the whole situation was hilarious. But she still loves to help!
and isn’t this little collared onesie so adorable!? Something about it just makes her scene like such a big girl, and I love it. And we made sure to balance out the dark navy blue with lots of pink as well.
when it was time for me to head out, I sent her over to pick out a couple of books, and she brought them back and then took them straight over to read to Ms. Q.
We got quite good bit of photos from her teachers today while she was at school…
But then unfortunately, she woke up from nap time with a slight fever of 100.8. so a little after 2 pm, I got the call to come pick her up early. They said she was just acting a little pitiful, and wanted to be held a lot, but she was fine other than that. And I wasn’t too upset about having to leave work early on a Friday. 😉 She helped me carry my things when we got home, because as I said earlier, she really likes to help!
At home, she started out sweet and chipper, and we played for just 5 or 10 minutes. But then she started getting really clingy, quiet, and acting sleepy.
So we curled up in the recliner and watched about 10 minutes of a kids show on Netflix, and before I even realized it, she got really heavy and fell asleep in my arms. This girl is so busy these days, she hasn’t fallen asleep in my arms like that in a really, really long time. So I know she only did it today because she wasn’t feeling good. But I still really loved the snuggles. She napped with me for about 30 or 45 minutes, which was a good little late afternoon nap.
After she woke up from her nap, she was still kind of pitiful and puny, and only wanted to set on the floor up next to me. She wasn’t really playing or doing anything, and didn’t want any TV or music on either. Jeff’s mom came over to hang out with us for a little while, and me was excited to see her, however she still didn’t really want to play. We just sat in the floor for about 30 minutes or so, not really doing anything, although we did eventually read a couple of books. On his way home from work, Jeff picked up Bento Box take-out for the four of us, and even though Emerson wasn’t feeling well, she still ate a really good amount of supper! We were very pleasantly surprised with how much she ate, considering she was acting so puny.
She perked up a little bit after dinner, and we played for about 30 minutes before Nana had to head home, and Emerson had to get ready for bed.
She wanted Daddy to read the books to her, but then she wanted Mommy to put her to sleep. So after we finished the bedtime books, we switched places and I got to hold her and love her for a few minutes before she was ready to lay down in her crib.
We had given her some Tylenol to bring her fever down when we first got home (since it had crept up to 101.2 by then), but at bedtime, her temperature was back down to 99, so we didn’t give her any more. We’re hoping and praying she sleeps all through the night, so we can all get some good rest, and that she’ll wake up feeling better in the morning.