Family Night at Home

The best part of my day is always time spent with my little family. And tonight was the best night the three of us have had, now that Jeff was finally feeling much better!

We had fun tonight eating dinner together, then giving Emerson a bath, and just playing and being silly. She was going back & forth between fussing (because she was absolutely exhausted) and giggling at Pretzel, and it was actually pretty funny.

In the photo below, she was munching on a dill pickle, and I don’t think she knew quite what to think about it….

After a bedtime story and sweet cuddles, I washed the dishes and listened to my audio book. I always feel so accomplished and proud of myself when all the dishes are stacked neatly in the drying rack and the sink is empty. (In case you didn’t know, we don’t have a dishwasher in our 1963 house.) Anyone else know the feeling?

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