Emerson’s 4th Birthday Pool Party

Today was a great, but exhausting day, and this Mama is tired. We had Emerson’s 4th birthday party out at my parents’ house, because Emmie wanted a pool party! A unicorn-themed birthday party! And have you ever seen a more excited and adorable four-year-old unicorn birthday girl!?

We invited her friends from both school and church, and so many of them came, and Emmie loved every minute of it!

After all the little friends left, the family all stayed to have chicken tacos and yellow rice for dinner. Everyone made sure to get baby snuggles throughout the day of course. We also gave all four big girls a bath together, and that was a fun experience.

We had a great day, and ended it with a new unicorn nightgown and a new unicorn book. She crashed hard tonight for bedtime, which made it really easy for us.

Addison has been the hungriest girl today, and has eaten a ton. She also fell asleep easily tonight after her bottle once we got home, and I have a feeling she’s going to sleep well through the night as well. I hope so at least, because I need some good sleep myself!






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