Pink Pajamas

Today was the final day of “GO PINK” week at school, and it was also pajama day. Emerson picked out her whole outfit all by herself too. I tired to tell her she could just wear bikers under her nightgown, but she insisted it had to be PJ shorts. And then she picked out and put on her own headband. She’s a mess, but I love her! And Addison was so sweet and cuddly in her jammies too!

And Emmie was very excited to bring in a big bag of change to donate to her class’ jar for the breast cancer fundraiser.

Emerson was crawling around getting the balls out from under the cribs in the baby room, which her teachers appreciated so they didn’t have to get down there and do it themselves 😉

Another day, another variation of the same lunch – tuna sandwich and salad. Only today, I didn’t have any of the good veggies in my salad, and I put my sandwich on a sesame seed burger bun, and this was once again delish.

Looks like baby girl had a good day at school today. That is, until she had a poo explosion so big it was “uncontained” and she had to have an outfit change…

At home tonight, Emmie colored for a little bit while I started dinner, and then she decided to help me a little bit too. We did breakfast for dinner, with pancakes (some with chocolate chips and some with bananas), scrambled eggs and strawberries – and breakfast for dinner is always a hit in our house.

Addie-pie didn’t want to sit in her little seat all by herself tonight, so I held her in my left arm and ate my dinner with my right 🙂

I can’t remember what Emerson was talking about, but she was giving a long explanation to Daddy about something or other, and she was just really into the story.

After dinner, we were just super chill and taking it easy – I fed Addison a bottle, Emerson played on her Kindle, and Jeff took a shower. Then we just kinda sat around watching tv and chatting, until it was time to get the girls to bed. Addison was really easy to lay down in her bed – she just rolled right over and kept on sleeping. Emerson really wanted some special Daddy cuddles, so he let her lay down in our bed with him for a while, before he moves her over to her bed to sleep.

I got the dishes washed up, and now I’m gonna try t o tidy the house just a little bit. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, and I don’t want to have to worry about house chores in the middle of all of that.

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