Baby’s First Wagon Ride

As usual, we stopped for our morning loves at the front desk with Aunt Meggie before heading to class. normally I carry her from the desk to her classroom, but today she was feeling like little Miss Independent, so she had to walk down the hall all by herself!

The next two photos were sent to me from her teachers and our parent portal. The caption said she was being a big girl getting ready for Thanksgiving lunch!

Daycare closed at 3 p.m. today, so I got off work at 2:30 to pick her up in time. The short work day flew by, and I was more than happy to pick up my little girl early today. We went over to my parents house to hang out with them and Grandmommie. When we got there, Papa had a few activities planned out for Emerson. We started out with pine cone hunting, and filled up her little basket to use in the fireplace later.

After she was done finding pine cones, Papa got her strapped into the new wagon that my mom got at the one week boutique back in October. Ever since I was pregnant, my papa always talked about taking the baby for a ride in the little red wagon. So they were so excited to find a good sale on one! she sat perfectly while she was being buckled in, and she was excited the second we started rolling.

I mean, just look at this sweet little face!

We walked for 10 or 15 minutes, and she sat perfectly still and happy the whole time, just looking at everything around her, and pointing and chatting the whole way.

And then in the last few minutes, she leaned over the side, and just rode for a few minutes with her chin hanging off the edge. She was literally making me crack up and laugh out loud, the way she stayed there just hanging over the edge like this. She can be such a funny little girl sometimes!

We came back inside, and told Grammy and Grandmommie all about the ride. We hung out for a little while, and Emerson had a few crackers for snack time, but then she kept pointing and grunting and wanting to go back outside. Since it was getting colder, we put on her coat and wrapped up in a blanket, and Papa and I set off on another walk! We went further this time, so she could have a longer ride. And she continued to love it the whole time!

Then she was cracking me up because she was leaning so far forward and investigating the opposite seat, and the straps underneath it.

My mom had a roast with potatoes and carrots in the Crock-Pot, so we had an early bird dinner around 5:30. And it was delicious! Although Emerson mainly just ate an entire piece of bread, and maybe only a bite or two of the rest of the dinner.

Then Papa built a fire in the fireplace after dinner. And I’m pretty positive this is the first fire Emerson has ever seen. Two firsts in one day for her!

Oh and also, I think Emerson is starting to get pink eye. There have been two confirmed cases of pink eye in her classroom at school this week, and she had a little bit of gunk in her eye this morning. Then when I picked her up at school this afternoon, she had a lot more green gunk in her right eye. So I went ahead and texted our pediatrician friend, and she was nice enough to call in eye drops for her. We picked them up on the way home, and I got in the first few drops before bedtime. I’m hoping since we caught it at the very beginning, it won’t have a chance to get to bad before it starts healing up.

And look at these cute little pictures Emerson and her teachers made this week! They’re even laminated, so we can save them forever, which I love.

Jeff has been off work all day, and he drove to North Georgia, to get the boys for the Thanksgiving break. They met up mid-afternoon, and they’re still driving home now. They should be home soon though, barring too much Thanksgiving traffic.

Oh and one more thing, I posted the story about Emerson’s hospitalization from RSV last year, on my blog earlier today. Check it out here if you missed it.

We had a really great afternoon, and I loved being able to spend the extra time with Emerson and my family. Tomorrow will be another great day spent with family, with lots of delicious food!

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