Easter Sunday 2019

First of all, “Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia!” 🎶

Today was a great Easter Sunday. I’m exhausted though (as I’m sure ever mother of a toddler is on a holiday), so I’m going to try to be brief… (Although whenever I say that, I tend to babble just as much as always.)

Emerson loved getting her Easter basket this morning. I kept it low-key with bubbles, M&M’s, Hershey’s kisses, an Easter book, a coloring book, and a new Garanimals summer outfit and shoes (from Grammy). Then I “re-gifted” her own stuffed chick and bunny, for some cuteness, without adding another stuffed animal to her already huge collection.

Also, we finally took her 21-month-old photos, only 12 days late! She is still wearing mostly 9-12 month size clothes, and weighs just shy of 20 pounds, but she eats more than you can believe. She’s still obsessed with dogs, but gets excited about all animals. She’s learning so much every day, and I’m always impressed by how much she understands and truly comprehends. She is constantly on the move. She continues to be the sweetest, silliest, weirdest and happiest little girl. I can’t get enough of her!

We had a great day at church this morning, but like usual, I tend to not take any photos while we’re there, and try not to even get my phone out of my purse much. But here’s daddy carrying Emerson to the car after the service ended.

Small family lunch today, since Megan, Bo and the girls stayed home for their first holiday together, and Uncle Keith and Aunt Suzanne were with the other side of the family. But we still had good food, and a great time together!

Megan, Bo and the triplets took their own family photo at their house.

And they took these photos of them yesterday!

After my parents house, we came back to our own house for a little bit, where Emmie and I both fell asleep for a late afternoon nap. Then we went over to Jeff’s parents house for Easter dinner.

This itty bitty nugget stole my corn on the cob!

Met a puppy on an after-dinner walk. (While squatting down petting the dog, she lost her balance and hit her forehead on the road, and she was so upset and pitiful. Shell definitely have a bruise, and possibly a bump. I felt so bad for her.)

Walked to the park that’s near their house off of Blair Stone, and Emmie loved running around in the big open grassy field!

It really was a great day, and I’m thankful we got to spend time with both sets of our parents. But most of all, I’m incredibly thankful for a Savior who died for my sins, and rose from the dead three days later to conquer death! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

1 thought on “Easter Sunday 2019”

  1. Pingback: Easter At Home | Pullen's Cozy Corner

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