Tidying Up & Catching Up

Alright, so I was having some technical difficulties again yesterday, so I wasn’t able to blog about our Saturday. Jeff did some work on it after church today, and so now while Emerson naps, I’ll do a catch-up post about yesterday, and then later tonight I’ll write a second post about today.

Emmie was doing grocery shopping while I was in the kitchen cooking us breakfast.MVIMG_20190518_073023MVIMG_20190518_074325MVIMG_20190518_074704After breakfast, she got started playing, and was just making the biggest mess, playing with ALL the things. She also found an old jacket in the basket of clean clothes, and insisted on wearing it, plus putting on some shoes, while reading a book or two to her baby doll. And then she was just all over the place! In her tee-pee, playing the keyboard, and helping me dust and clean.MVIMG_20190518_091701MVIMG_20190518_092703MVIMG_20190518_100552But you guys, our house was a mess. When you have a super busy toddler, it’s really hard to keep your house neat & tidy. So this is what it looked like beforeMVIMG_20190518_085352DURINGMVIMG_20190518_104731And AFTER!Ā  And even though things aren’t perfect (and we still haven’t painted the kitchen cabinets after almost 3 years), our hose is still cozy and comfortable (and tidy while the toddler is asleep), and we love living here.IMG_20190518_112831_437And this little old man doggie is just too cute! He sat around watching while I did all the work cleaning.IMG_20190518_111606_168My new tea towel from my Mama for Mother’s Day.MVIMG_20190518_113804After Emerson’s nap, Jeff went out to work at one of his side businesses, and Emerson and I met Grammy and Pepaw for lunch at Newk’s.MVIMG_20190518_131826MVIMG_20190518_132018MVIMG_20190518_132231And then Emmie, Grammy and Mommy did some quick shopping, picked up my Walmart grocery order, and then went back home for some play time.MVIMG_20190518_142018MVIMG_20190518_144607MVIMG_20190518_150150MVIMG_20190518_150205MVIMG_20190518_152235MVIMG_20190518_162408And then Grandmommie came over to play as well! Mama stayed for a while, and then eventually she went home. Emerson had so much fun playing with Mommy and Grandmommie, and really went crazy just being so silly and doing all the things.MVIMG_20190518_162630MVIMG_20190518_170227Mama got me this new table cloth at Ross, and even though it kind of clashes with my new rug, we’re gonna leave it for a while. It’s one of those vinyl ones, and it’ll be super easy to wipe clean once the boys are here this summer. Usually when they’re here, I don’t even keep a cloth on the table (because they’re always so messy, no matter what they’re eating), but this one will be perfect.MVIMG_20190518_171218MVIMG_20190518_171320MVIMG_20190518_171752MVIMG_20190518_171913Jeff brought home some chicken nuggets and BK whoppers for dinner, and then Grandmommie treated us to a special ice cream treat at Bruster’s. Oh, and we picked these gardenia’s from our backyard, and they smell so good and so fresh!IMG_20190518_180750IMG_20190518_182548IMG_20190518_182610MVIMG_20190518_184020I was obsessed with this chocolate raspberry ice cream when I was pregnant, but hadn’t had it since then, almost two years ago. And good grief it was delicious!MVIMG_20190518_184138MVIMG_20190518_184327MVIMG_20190518_184329MVIMG_20190518_184536IMG_20190518_185146MVIMG_20190518_185459MVIMG_20190518_185739MVIMG_20190518_185942MVIMG_20190518_190010MVIMG_20190518_190025Grandmommie helped with bath time after ice cream, but Emmie still kind of freaked out through most of it. But once she was wrapped up in her towel, she was of course perfectly fine! She was happy once she was in her jammies, and ready for some cuddles. First though, we had to personalize these journals we bought for her teachers at church, by tracing her hand and writing a little note. (They had a thank-you-lunch at church today for all the teachers, so we got them these notebooks for both her Sunday & Wednesday teachers.)MVIMG_20190518_193723MVIMG_20190518_193729MVIMG_20190518_193805We let Grandmommie sneak out (so Emmie wouldn’t freak out), and we headed back to her bedroom to get started on night time books. And she needed just one more snack, so Daddy brought back some gummies.MVIMG_20190518_194524MVIMG_20190518_194847After getting Emmie in bed, I got busy putting thoseĀ super ripe bananas to good use, by making a loaf of banana bread, while Jeff built a computer or server or something… And the bread came out perfect & delicious! I sampled a slice before bedtime, and it was sooo good. Apparently I’m a baker these days!MVIMG_20190518_202400MVIMG_20190518_204731MVIMG_20190518_215023And that was our Saturday!

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