OK y’all. I know I’m about 6 months late to the party, but whoa dang! This movie! It is so stinking good! Jeff and I finally watched “The Greatest Showman” last night, and I was instantly obsessed by the first song. Duh. Why wouldn’t I be?! I had sooo many friends dying for me to watch it, and each of them assuring me I would love it. I knew I would of course, I just never got around to it. But wow I’m so glad I finally did. Each and every song gave me chills. I was so very impressed with so many of the actors and their voices. (I mean, I had no idea Michelle Williams could sing like that!) I shared this on Instagram last night, and I got tons of responses from people excited for me to finally see it, and also sharing how much they love it.

And so today of course, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on Google Play on repeat all day long. I think I made it through the album about eight times total. And I’m already trying to figure out when I can watch the movie again… And I want to introduce my mama & sister to it, because I know they’ll love it too. (The three of us have a serious love for musicals.)

And since this also happened last night after I had already posted yesterday’s blog, I want to share it today. My sweet friend from church, Eunice, stopped by with a surprise. She saw these while shopping a few weeks back, and knew I loved bicycle stuff, and that we had used them in our wedding. So she said she knew she just had to buy them for us! I think I’ll get some of those adorable (fake) succulents and keep them here on our dining table. Because let’s be real – I’m terrible with plants. (Don’t be fooled by the peace lily in the background. It’s literally one of two things I’ve ever been able to keep alive.)

When I dropped off Emerson this morning in her new classroom, she was super happy, and instantly ready to play with all her friends!

Look at that tiny poochy belly, and the pants that are too short and now capris! It’s all just so cute!

After work, Daddy was of doing some IT work on the side, for a friend from church. So Emerson helped me fold her laundry, and we watched the first 30 minutes of The Greatest Showman together while dinner was in the oven. Then the two of us had a Mommy & baby dinner date, right at it own dining room table.

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