As I’ve blogged about before, Jeff and I are going on a Royal Caribbean cruise in October for our 5-year wedding anniversary. He had his passport renewed right before our honeymoon, so his is still valid. But mine conveniently expired last month. Ugh. So I had to go through the whole rigmarole (y’all know that word, right?) of getting mine renewed.
You have to fill out a form online (that part was easy), and then mail it in with all the accompanying documents. For example, since my name has changed because of marriage since my last passport was issued, I had to call the County Clerk’s office and request a new, certified copy of our marriage certificate to be mailed to our house. Then of course you have to get the new passport photos taken, and send everything (unfolded!) via “trackable delivery” through USPS with a check for $110 to renew.
So, with all that squared away, today Jeff and I ran to the downtown post office to get everything mailed off. (While we were there, we learned the building was once a church, and then a bank, with the huge safe still there.)
After the post office, we had a quick lunch date at Zaxby’s, where we both ordered our favorite Zalads. Buffalo blue for me, and Zensation for hubby.
Also, Emerson moved up to the next classroom at school today! They emailed me around noon, to say she was doing well, and had eaten TWO plates of pot roast, mashed potatoes & mandarin oranges for lunch! What a big girl!! And clearly she had a fun day and enjoyed playing with all the fun, new things.
But she only took one short, 45-minute nap in the middle of the day, so she was exhausted when we picked her up, and asleep in minutes once in the car. So sweet.