Purple & Green

Today was the last day of the “school year” at daycare, and also spirit day, to wear purple and green from head to toe. So of course Emmie wore her Growing Room tshirt, and although Addie doesn’t have one, she still wore a cute purple romper.

I left her with her little donut blankie with her at school today, since she didn’t have pants on, and she looked so warm and cozy!

Today was Maddie’s last day at school, because she’s moving to a different school for the new school year. Emmie and Maddie have been besties for a few years now, and I know they’re gonna miss each other! (Emmie’s other bestie, Olivia, is also changing schools next year, but she was already gone by the time I got there.)

And sweet little Addie was snoozing away in her little seat when we got to her classroom to pick her up, still cozy with her donut blankie.

Miss Brooke, one of Emmie’s favorite teachers who always does her hair super cute, was in Addie’s room this afternoon, and Emmie just had to get her to braid her hair before we left. And it looked so good! Just yesterday, Emmie asked me to do a braid, but I had to tell her I wasn’t very good at it. And she was like, “Yeah, you’re not as good as Miss Brooke, maybe you should practice more.”

While I was doing some stuff in our bedroom when we got home, I came back to the living room,  but didn’t see Emerson. Jeff went to look around for her, and found her sweetly coloring away in her room.

I made delicious garlic herb butter shrimp for dinner, with rice and green beans, and it was a hit. I hadn’t really even made shrimp like this before (no idea why I’d never done this), and I kinda just threw in some stuff I thought would be good, and it turned out great.

And since Addison was sleeping soundly in her car seat after getting home, all of us got to eat dinner together for the first time in a while!

Emmie finished off her little tub of cotton candy tonight, and then watched some Peppa Pig on her Kindle. It was time for us to feed Addie her bottle, but she didn’t really want it, and only drank 2 of the 4 ounces.

Emmie’s bedtime was a little bit rough, but after some hoopla and drama, she finally settled down and gave in, and laid down to quietly fall asleep.

Addison had quit whining and fussing, but she was still wide awake. I changed her diaper and put on her watermelon jammies, then swaddled her and laid her on her boppy on the couch. I went to wash up all the dishes, and she fell asleep while I washed.

Tomorrow is a teacher planning day at Growing Room, so I took the day off to be with my girls, and I’m looking forward to it!

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