Missions Parade

Today was Missions Sunday at church. That meant a great service with a special guest in big church, and GC Kids did a missions parade, representing all of their chosen countries.

Some kids dressed up in fun outfits for their counties, but we couldn’t quite manage a traditional Thai outfit, so Emmie just chose something flowery, since most of the Thai “pha sinh” we looked at online were very colorful and floral.

I was actually upstairs in the preschool room this morning, but we pulled up the church live-stream and did worship first with Pastor Brent, and then watched the big kids do their missions parade.

Emmie and I went straight home together after church, and got started on a tiny little Dollar Tree puzzle, while Jeff and Addie picked up some pizza for lunch.

After lunch everyone took a nice Sunday afternoon nap, and woke up feeling refreshed. Emmie and I went to finish the puzzle, and of course baby sister needed to get involved by handing us pieces.

Then tonight was the last night of Connect Groups at church for this semester. And for group dinner before-hand, we had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Seriously, that green bean casserole was the best I’ve ever had. I should have gone back for seconds, now that I’m thinking about it.

We had our one last session in our parenting class tonight. We’ve all really enjoyed this class these last few months, and talking with other parents about all these tough topics and crazy parenting things. Makes us feel better knowing we’re not going through these crazy things alone!

Both girls needed lots of extra cuddles for bedtime tonight, which is why it’s almost 10:30 by the time I’m finally posting this. But also, I’ve gotten distracted while writing, since I’m also watching the “Winter” episode of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, and I’ve only seen it once so I keep focusing on that too much…

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