You guys! The sky this morning was insane! I had friends all over the South posting morning sunrise photos, and they were all gorgeous! The first two here I took in our driveway around 7:20am…
And then my friend Tamara (hey, girl!) posted this photo she took at 7:18am, on her Facebook, and I just about died! Holy smokes, y’all!
Drop off today went much better than yesterday, and there was no crying when I had to leave her. She found one her favorite toys (this gigantic dinosaur that’s practically as big as she is), and she was good to go.
She was also very festive today in her Santa onesie, red hair bow, and penguin Tom’s. So cute!
The next 9 photos were all sent from school or my sister today… the first 3 are when she randomly took off a sock & shoe on the playground, handed it to her teacher, then plopped down to get it put back on. (Also, they out their coats on backwards sometimes, so they can’t take them off themselves.)
Then she wanted to wear one of her teachers purple aprons, and visit Aunt Meggie at the front desk.
This is her pointing to her baby cousins, showing Ms. Renee.
Dress up time as Snow White!
Cuddling with Ms. Q before nap time.
Still wearing the apron, back in her classroom. And random story time… For reasons forgotten to me now, we decided years ago my mom’s Indian name was “Amy One-Shoe.” (Sorry if that’s slightly offensive, we don’t mean it that way!) So anyways, when daycare sent us this picture today, my mom emailed us all and said, “Emmie One-Shoe!” And it was just so perfect!
Then after work, we met the family for dinner before church at Hopkins! That’s my favorite local sandwich shop, and it was delicious as always tonight. Emmie and I both love their mint sweet tea!
There were fewer kids at church tonight, due to the Christmas holidays, so they combined two classes in one of the bigger kids’ room. Emerson had to try out this giraffe toy thing, but she was a bit too little for it and couldn’t actually sit on the seat, but she still looked adorable!
We didn’t have choir tonight, because we had a really special church service. We sang beautiful Christmas carols, and heard a few amazing stories from our pastor, about how our church is ministering to people in our community and North Florida. A few of the stories we’re so sweet they made me tear up! Then some folks shared stories about how our church had helped them or blessed them, and then we shared communion together.
Afterwards, Emmie was giving night-night loves to the family, and she just started crying out of nowhere. Well, turns out it’s because she had just pooped, but she had a diaper rash, so she was in some pain. Poor girl got super mad, and it took Jeff and I both working together to change her diaper before leaving church. She was still fussing on the way home, until I turned on the Moana soundtrack (which almost always does the trick), and it worked like a charm. She was all smiles by the time we pulled into the carport at home.
But then we had to do the whole business over again when putting on her overnight diaper, and she freaked out again. Poor baby girl. I got some creams on her, so hopefully she’ll be better in the morning.