Keyboardist’s & Burrito Bowls

These first two pictures are from yesterday, but I forgot to share them in our “first day of school post” but they were too cute not to include today. That’s Aunt Meggie she’s sitting with, by the way. She always comes in to her classroom to see her when she gets in to work in the morning, and clearly Emerson is excited to see her.

And so now on to today… Emerson fed herself her breakfast bottle this morning, while I finished getting things all gathered up for the day. She was just so dang cute laying there, being so adorable!

The sun this morning on the way to school was absolutely beautiful, but of course a cell phone photo can never capture what it truly looks like. But the sun itself was so golden orange and it was a great sight to see before a long day stuck indoors.

Emerson picked up this big sensory tube, and just looked so cute! The thing was almost as big as her! Such a funny little nugget.

Once again, the boys took care of Emerson while I was taking care of dinner. Tonight, they were all “playing” the keyboard together, and they were so sweet. Although it didn’t sound so great ; )

I made a super fast run home on my lunch break today, to throw dinner into the crock-pot. We had chicken burrito bowls again tonight, and again they were a big hit, “customized” to each person’s individual tastes with toppings and such. And I get to take the leftovers to work for lunch tomorrow, and that’s usually my favorite part.

Jeff got a new keyboard from Amazon, which came in today, and once Emerson found the empty box, she climbed right in and practically claimed it as her own! She kept folding the flaps in on top of her little legs, and just hanging out playing with the brown packing paper.

She was super exhausted from another big day at school, so she went to sleep relatively early, and with minimal fighting. And I haven’t mentioned it here before, but she hasn’t been sleeping through the night this past week (even though she had been almost every night for the last year), and we have no idea why. She wakes up anywhere between 1am-3am, and it takes lots of rocking, patting, shushing, lullabies, maybe a small bottle of milk, and sometimes up to two hours of all of that, before we can finally get her to settle back in & sleep in her crib. Jeff and I take turns, but it’s wearing us out! Praying she gets back on her regular schedule, and starts sleeping through the night again, very soon!

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