Grandparents & Popsicles

Pretty little cuties, excited and happy for Friday! Emerson got this tiny purse from her teacher at Wednesday night church the other night, and just had to take it to school with her today.

And this dress I got for Addie for Christmas last year is certainly much shorter on her now than it was even just a couple of months ago. Girlfriend is growing so fast! But those new little shoes look super cute on her.

We loved seeing Aunt Meggie at morning drop-off today. Addie of course went running up to her, yelling out her name from down the sidewalk. And then she kept asking for Uncle Bo too, thinking he must have also been there.

Today Growing Room hosted a cute little Grandparents event, and Addison had four visitors! Grammy, Papa, Grandmommie came to see her and the triplets, and Nana came to see Addie too! Love seeing these sweet pictures, and having our family in town all here together.

When I went downstairs to the ice/water machine with Heather for our daily water run, we found this jackpot of withdrawn library books. There was actually more than this on another counter too. There were plenty good ones, but I grabbed these two. I remember reading and loving “The Trumpet of the Swan” when I was in elementary school, so I figured it would be a good one to read together with Emerson.

And then we also journeyed over to the book fair that comes and sets up right in our front lobby and hallway, for some browsing. They actually had everything kind of sectioned off by prices, and everything I picked was from the $5 shelves. So I got the set of 3 puzzles for Addie, and the narwhal book for Emmie, and I’m saving both until Christmas. Then I found the Crocs charms 3 for $5, so I got Bluey & Bingo for both girls, and Harry Potter for me. And then the other book is a late birthday gift for my dad.

Last night, I roasted a couple of heads of garlic again for the first time in a while, and then made some roasted garlic mayo with it. Today, I brought it to work with an entire mini baguette and a whole tomato, and ate every bit of everything for my lunch. Dang I just love the roasted garlic so much these days!

Aunt Meggie and the triplets saw Addie in the hallway at pickup, and Addie was being silly making faces.

When I picked up Addison from school, she went over to the table and pointed at her acorn, and yelled, “ADDISON!” Then she proceeded to go around the entire table, naming where all the other kids sat, and I was just so impressed with that! I mean, I know she wasn’t reading the names, but the fact that she remembered everyone’s assigned spot was really good!

I made a whole smorgasbord of frozen pizzas for dinner tonight. I made a plain cheese one for the girls, and then couldn’t decide on which of the other two for Jeff and I, so I made them both. And now we have plenty of leftovers for other quick meals or snacks over the next few days.

After eating pretty quickly,we took the girls outside to play in the carport, since the weather actually felt pretty nice. We stayed out as long as we could, but even that only last about 20 minutes, because then the mosquitos started biting, so we had to run inside. But first, the girls ate the popsicles we made last night!

And then of course both girls wanted some more pizza once we were back inside, before getting started on bedtime.

After getting their jammies on, and starting to settle down after some more playing around, I gave them their new charms to add to their Crocs, and they were so excited about them.

The girls were pretty wound up after all the playtime and the sugary popsicles, so bedtime was a little tricky. I ended up laying down in my bed with one girl on each side of me, for about 15 minutes, and both of them fell asleep. Jeff had to come scoop up the baby girl, and then I helped the big girl get to bed. And now, I think I might need one of those leftover pieces of pizzas for my own little bedtime snack.

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