Pool Party & Park Play Date

Made some delicious egg & cheese sammies on nice thick Texas toast for breakfast today. I scrambled too many eggs, so we all had a little extra on the side too.

I made this cute little collage to give to some of our friends and family members and friends-of-friends that have little can tab collections, so they can put this with their collection bowl, as a visual reminder. I love it! I’ve already sent them to Walgreens to print tonight, and I’ll pick them up tomorrow.

After breakfast, Jeff picked up our weekly grocery order from Walmart,while the girls and I stayed home and got dressed and ready. Then once we got everything packed up, we went to a birthday pool party for one of Emerson’s friends. It was a perfect day for a pool party, and the pool at their apartment complex was so huge and nice! Emerson had such a good time swimming and playing with friends, and Addison loved floating around with Mommy and Daddy. Addison was also very into that hot dog they grilled out for lunch.

But all that swimming wore out this little baby girl! I tried talking to her all the way home, attempting to keep her awake, but clearly that didn’t work. Luckily though when we got home, I was able to just scoop her out of the car, and walk her straight to her crib in her room. She fussed for about 20 seconds, but then she just fell right back asleep. And napped for like 3.5 hours!

I also put Emerson down for a nap, and she was asleep super quickly as well. I sat down with a soft blanket to read in the “reading room” (which is just how we refer to the other end of our dining room), but after reading for like 10 minutes, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I ended up just falling asleep right there in the chair for about 20-30 minutes.

We had another play date scheduled for this afternoon, so I had to wake up Emerson to make it in time. But Addison was still snoozing hard, so we left her and Jeff at home. Emmie and I went over to Winthrop Park, to meet up with a friend from her gymnastics class, so that I could meet and hang out with the little girls’ mom, Brittany. The new fall session of gymnastics starts next week, and Brittany is going to pick up Emerson from school once a week and let her carpool with them. So thankful for new friends and helpers, so we can get Emmie to the gym twice a week for the next three months!

Addison finally woke up around 5pm, so her and Jeff got loaded up in the car to come meet us. Nana also came to meet us for dinner, and we all had a yummy meal at 4 Rivers.

I ordered their limited time special honey chipotle chicken burrito, and it was good, but not great. The chicken in it was actually kinda rubbery, but everything else in it was good.

Had to go “play” outside on the patio after dinner, to get out some more wiggles.

My stinky little girls were covered in sunscreen and sweat chlorine pool water, so they definitely needed a bath when we got home. They played and splashed for quite a long time. So long that the bath water was actually cold by the time they got out. They each had a popsicle when they got out, while watching Frozen in matching Anna & Elsa silky nightgowns. And I read a little bit of my Kindle book.

As tired as they both were though, they were both a little tricky to get to sleep. I had to lay on the couch holding Addison for a long time, and Jeff had to snuggle up with Emerson for a long time too, until they finally both gave in and fell asleep. It was about 9:30 by the time they were both asleep and ready for their beds. Jeff went to bed early too after all that, so I get to watch an extra episode of Virgin River. Then I’ll read some more right before bed, and I’m sure it’ll be easy for me to fall asleep tonight.

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