
Addison wasn’t in the mood for matching sister pics again this morning, but my beautiful big girl was ready to strike her pose.

And then baby sister gave me a sweet smile once we got to school, before heading into her classroom.

And one more of the big sister, looking especially grown up again, before school started.

In the middle of the day today, I went “gallivanting” all about town, as Meg said… First of all, I went to the dentist, for the first time in way too long, for a check-up and cleaning. We didn’t have dental insurance for a while, and then once we got it, I was just kinda delinquent about going. But I finally got around to it, and it went fine. I do have a couple of cavities that have to be filled though unfortunately, which isn’t surprising, but it still stinks a little bit. (The fun part was listening to an hour of my audio book while she measured my teeth and all the spaces in between, and then finally the cleaning part.)

Anyways, after the dentist, I stopped into Starbucks for a special treat! I got this sponsored ad in my Facebook today, and sent it to Meg saying she could treat me to a coffee one day soon 😉 But then I ended up needing to make a stop for my boss after the dentist, which was right next to a Starbucks, so I decided to treat us to the special BOGO drinks today. They were super busy and backed up, but the pumpkin chai was delicious.

And the stop I made for my boss was to pick up the “bundtini’s” from Nothing Bundt Cakes, for a birthday celebration for two of my coworkers. And good grief it smelled so amazing in there!

After the dentist, and picking up the Starbies, and a stop for the cakes, my final stop was the coffee drop-off at Meg’s loading dock,and that finally concluded my gallivanting for the day. It was all kinda fun, actually!

Addie Pie had a good day at school today, as usual.

I got stuck at work a little late today, working on an urgent emergency, but I was able to leave around 5:20. But I had already sent Jeff to pick up the girls, which worked out great. They made a quick stop at Publix on their way home, and the girls got to drive the special buggy they love so much.

Meanwhile, I had gone straight home, and had plenty of time in the quiet house, to cook dinner all by myself, without a billion questions and whining for snacks and asking to be picked up 😉 I made chicken teriyaki with jasmine rice and broccoli, and it was super yummy. (You can also see the BOGO PB Jeff grabbed, and some new shoes I ordered for the girls back there, plus some nail wraps for me.)

Addison absolutely LOVES broccoli, and she had completely eaten every single bite off of her own plate, before Jeff even made it to the table. She was asking for more, but I had already doled all of it out on our plates, so I told her to just grab some off Daddy’s plate. And she ended up taking all of his serving. So she had one baby sized serving, and one big person sized serving, and literally only one bite of rice.

We were in a pretty bad thunderstorm after dinner, so we skipped bath time, and just went straight for the cake.

And then for one more “activity” before bedtime, Emerson and I made some lazy popsicles. When we were at IKEA last weekend, she saw these little $3 molds, and just had to have them. I really wasn’t sure we’d ever make any, but my MIL suggested we could just use juice or lemonade, and that sounded just about my speed, rather than homemade puree’s and all that. So we mixed this sparkling fruit punch we had in the fridge, with apple juice leftover from our Jax trip, and put them in the freezer. We’ll check on them tomorrow night, and see how they turned out!

And then we finally got started on bedtime. Jeff and Addison cuddled up on the couch together, and she fell asleep easily and sweetly. Emerson read me the book she got from the school library today, and then she was asleep really quickly too after our prayers and lullaby.

I’m heading off to wash up the dishes now, and then maybe I’ll try out some of the new nail wraps I ordered for myself. First though, I’m going to finish watching the last 10 minutes of the first episode of the new season of Virgin River on Netflix. It’s so good!

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