We were all at church early this morning for Jeff and I to both serve (me on worship team; him on GC Kids sound booth), so we forgot to take morning pics of our little girls. But we had a great Sunday service, and I loved getting to sing with my sister this morning! We went out to lunch with a big group of friends and family and a bunch of kiddos and we had fun with everyone.
These two little best toddlers were really living their best little lives today. They’re only a few weeks apart in age, and love to just chit-chat like big girls. Today, they shared a few Bluey episodes, and went to town on their ice cream.
When we got home from lunch, it was a little late for a nap, and I thought the girls would go down easily. So I left them each in their rooms, and I literally crashed into my own bed and fell asleep hard for almost three hours. I was in serious need of rest! But somehow, neither little girl fell asleep, but instead watched random videos with Daddy of some lady digging holes out in Asia or something (?).
I woke up cranky still and needed some time to recover, but eventually I got moving and made a breakfast casserole and biscuits for our dinner. While I was cooking, Emerson and Daddy were working on her project creating a brochure for Arches National Park, and even with all the noise and hubbub, Addison finally fell asleep with Daddy at 6pm. We let her take a little 45-minute cat nap, and then she was also cranky when we woke her up. (Emerson took these first two photos of Daddy & Addie.)
But I didn’t know she had already taken some on Jeff’s phone, so I took this photo too.
They had some after-dinner watering to take care of together.
The casserole was delicious, and I love that it makes such a big recipe, with lots of leftovers. I joked with Jeff when I was packing everything up, that I was doing that oh-so-popular “meal prep” everyone always does. I offered up one of the boxes to Meg since we had so much, and she gladly accepted for tomorrow’s breakfast.
Had to do a little reading before bedtime, and Emerson requested to do it in Mommy’s bed tonight.
Addison did fall back asleep relatively quickly tonight, after not having a real nap this afternoon. Emerson wanted extra snuggles first, but she’s sound asleep now too. After my very long afternoon nap, it’s unknown whether I’ll be up until after midnight, or still fall asleep on the couch at 10:15 like I do most nights…