Fall Back + Baby Boots

Well, today was supposed to be “fall back into bed & gain an hour of sleep.” But with a 1-year-old in the house who has no concept of time, that didn’t happen. So we were up at 6am, and made breakfast before church today.

Then once we got her dressed in her new outfit, I was like, “she needs brown boots!” So since we were still running early, we popped in to Walmart on our way to church and found these adorable little boots. She loved them instantly, and got mad when I took them off so we could pay. She wore them all day, and loved them!

I was on nursery duty in her class for the Sunday School hour today (my turn is always every first Sunday of the month), and I always love seeing her interact with her teacher and ber friends, and how much she knows. I was impressed with her today, keeping up with the 2-year-olds, and following instructions I didn’t think she’d know!

At one point, all three of them just laid down like this for about two minutes, for no specific reason. We couldn’t get over it.

Then we took them to the play room, and Emerson loves to play dress-up in there.

I just love these two so much.

All that playing really wore her out, and I couldn’t keep her awake for the car ride!

We went straight to Jeff’s parents house from church (after running through a drive through), so Jeff could help out with & attend the funeral of a family friend. The plan was for Emerson & I to join after her nap, but she took another 3.5-hour marathon nap today from 1:15-4:45, so we didn’t make it. Instead, I watched LaLa Land, and dozed in the recliner, and then watched the beginning of the “new” Cinderella, before she finally woke up, and Jeff & his parents got back around 5:15.

We hung out & Emmie and I ate dinner (everyone else had a very late potluck lunch with the family around 3:30), and played for a while before heading home.

We got Emmie dressed in a new pair of pj’s, and played for just a few minutes while her milk heated up.

She went to bed super easy (as usual lately) after her hot milk, a few minutes of cuddles, & bedtime prayers. We had a busy weekend, but it was a good weekend, and as much as I don’t want it to be Monday tomorrow, I do at least feel ready to face a new week!

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