Dining Room Rug

Little Bitty Nugget woke up early today for no reason, so we had some special, quiet time, complete with milk and Pop-Tarts.

And then she was so excited when her brothers woke up!

We all got dressed and went to church, with a stop at Walmart on the way, because the boys forgot to pack nice pants or at least khaki shorts, and we didn’t want them wearing their gym shorts to church.

We grabbed lunch on the way home, Emmie played the ukulele for a few minutes, and then I out her down for a nap.

During Emerson’s nap time, it was storming outside, and the four of us got in our comfy clothes, and were all enjoying our own quiet alone time. I was reading when Ryan came in to chat a bit, and he wanted to take a photo of me. I don’t really like the photo of me, but he was so sweet about taking it, I’m including it in the post. ❤️

We played after naptime, then put on an old record and did some chores and cleaning and setting up of the new rug I ordered from Wayfair!

I want to try to get a “better” photo in some brighter lighting, hopefully tomorrow afternoon, but I’m loving it so much already! This just feels like such an “adult” purchase to me, and I’m proud of myself for finally biting the bullet and just getting it! (It’s pretty flat already, but we’ve got the corners weighed down with books for a while.)

After being cooped up inside in the rain most of the afternoon, we went outside for about 20 minutes, for just a little bit of fresh air.

Emmie played in the kitchen while I cooked dinner, and I don’t even know what Jeff and the boys were doing…?

We set up an old hospital blanket underneath the tiny tot, to protect the new rug from sloppy joe’s and mac & cheese.

Emmie didn’t really nap too long this afternoon, so she was grumpy and emotional most of the afternoon and evening. By the time we made it through dinner, she had just had enough. So we put her in her jammies early, and listened to some lullaby’s to calm her down before an early bedtime.

I started her bedtime routine right after.7pm, and even after some crying, she was ready to lay down in the crib by 7:20.

While I did the night time routine with Emmie, Jeff & the boys loaded up to drive across town to his parents’ house. The five of us are going to the beach tomorrow, and we needed to borrow a couple of their big umbrellas, since ours broke last summer. Jeff actually took off the entire week from work, and I just took off tomorrow for beach day. Should be a fun day though!

After getting Emerson laid down, I had a large mess to clean up in the kitchen, after picking up a Walmart grocery order this afternoon, and then cooking dinner. Last week, I wrote about starting a new book called “The Underground Railroad” on audio. I was still only about 20% in, but wasn’t super interested yet. Then on Saturday I talked with my mom’s best friend, Aunt Jane, who read it recently and really did not enjoy it. We tend to have similar reading preferences, so I found myself completely uninterested or motivated to finish it. Instead, I returned it to the library early, and started my next one! I’m not a huge Tina Fey fan or anything, but I of course loved “Mean Girls” like every other high school girl in the mid-2000’s, and I’ve already laughed out loud a few times, in the 45 minutes or so I’ve listened to so far.

Jeff and the boys got back from his parents house just a little bit ago, and the kitchen is nice and sparkly now. I’ve had some delicious candles burning all day in the house, and so it smells really yummy, and it’s nice and cozy feeling. Time to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie or something together!

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