Well today we had a weird early morning (and overnight) crazy storm, and so all the local schools had a delayed start time to allow the worst of the weather to pass through. I actually used that as an opportunity to go into work early and earn some overtime pay, and Jeff stayed home to take care of the girls. And of course wouldn’t you know, they ended up at Chick-fil-A for breakfast and early morning play time!
And then both girls finally got dropped off around 9am-ish, much later than usual. (I usually drop Addison first at 7:30, and Jeff usually drops Emmie around 8.)
Looks like Addie and her little friends made some sunflowers at school today.
Went with some simple tuna sandwiches for dinner tonight. And for my side, I tried a new “recipe” (not really a recipe and more just piling things in a bowl together), for a protein bowl with cottage cheese, half an avocado, a boiled egg, half a yellow bell pepper, and lots of Everything But The Bagel seasoning, and I really loved this.
Sweet little girl with her folded hands while Daddy said our dinner prayer.
(I know that drink looks weird, like a jar of pee or chemicals or something, but it’s leftover apple juice from the bourbon chicken recipe I made earlier this week.)
I told both girls they had to finish their plates before they were allowed to get up and play in the grass. So Emmie got up to feed Addie to get her to eat faster.
We did bath time after dinner and play time, then Jeff cleaned out some stuff from the fridge for me while I got the girls dried and dressed. We watched one Bluey, and then Emmie and I went to read together and do our usual bedtime routine stuff.
Currently watching last nights’ Survivor episode, but there’s still an hour left in the episode, so I think I’m gonna have to finish it tomorrow, cuz I’m feeling sleepy tonight.