Bistro Lunch & Book Fair

So, drop-off this morning was weird at Growing Room. Just seconds before we walked in the door, the electricity went off again! They had been out for a few days at the end of last week due to the hurricane, but it came back and all was fine for school yesterday, but just clicked off this morning. So I dropped her off in the mostly dark center, with just the emergency lighting. It did come back on at some point, or else I would have had to go back and pick her up. I only took one photo with the flash, so I wouldn’t blind the little nugget.

And then the teachers sent me these photos of her painting with turquoise paint, wearing her little art smock, sitting at the table with her friends. And I almost died from the cuteness! Plus one of her cooking at the little kitchen.

Today was boss’ day, so one of my co-workers got our boss a bouquet of pretty flowers, and we took her out to lunch at Backwoods Bistro. I had a buffalo chicken sandwich, and it’s probably the best one I’ve ever had in my life. For real.

After picking up Emerson from her classroom at school, we went to the book fair in the lobby. Aunt Meggie helped us look at the books, and we picked one about counting cupcakes.

While I cooked dinner, Miss Priss was whining to go outside, so Jeff took her on another little walk up & down our street. That baby girl loves being outside, and she’s loved all the stroller walks lately!

We had burritos with yellow rice & corn (didn’t have any black beans in the cabinet like I thought I did), and it was delicious. Emmie ate so great, and loved the yellow rice so much.

After getting my sleepy girl to bed, I washed up all the dishes, while listening to my audio book. After I finished, I had about 15 minutes left of the book, so I just got comfy and finished the book. And it was really good – 4 out of 5 stars.

Jeff is currently preparing for the men’s bible study he’s leading tomorrow night, and I’m watching Gilmore Girls while I blog. Not surprising, right?

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