Purple Polish & Pot Pie

We had such a good day, all day today! Jeff went over to Port St. Joe for one of his side jobs (this is his second time going over there, but I can’t remember if I mentioned it the first time or not…), so Emmie and I spent the morning together, just us girls. Cereal & bagels for breakfast…

She was very busy being Nurse Emerson this morning, bandaging my arm and giving me some sort of shot in my hand.

She played with her babies while I tidied up some of her clothes and such, and set out all of her outfits for the coming week. It’s been a while since we were in a “regular routine” like this with school and work, so I’m sure we’ll be glad to get back into the swing of things again.

We really made the rounds doing all the things all over the house today, in just about every room. She was being super sweet and silly today too, using that big imagination of hers. There were monsters coming to our house, but most of them were nice. The not-nice ones went over to the neighbors house, to trash their rooms instead of ours 😉

We worked together to tidy up both her room and the living room, and got things mostly spic & span, plus vacuumed both rooms as well.

We had lunch together at the kitchen counter, and then we “slaved over” some little ghost sugar cookies, which were the perfect dessert, warm out of the oven. She wanted to help me wash the dishes that I was working on, and even though it actually made it harder for me to get it done, it was still so very sweet of her to want to help me, that of course I let her do it.

After all that work, we read some stories, and got her ready for naptime.

I spent her short one-hour naptime finishing up a few chores, then I opened all the windows, lit a fall-scented candle, and gave myself an at-home mani/pedi.

This is the new candle Emerson picked out at Marshall’s yesterday, for about $4…

And I got both of these new polishes from Marshall’s yesterday, for $3.99…

And I finally found a new pot for my new plant at Marshall’s yesterday, for only $9.99! I still need to actually repot the plant (I just dropped the little grow-pot down inside the new one), but it’s going to look so nice in this one!

I barely had time to finish painting my own fingers and toes before Emerson woke up, and then she wanted a pedicure too, with the same new purple color Mommy used.

After her little toesies had some time to dry, we packed a backpack, and headed over to spend some time at Grammy & Papa’s house! We played and had fun and ate dinner, and then fed the deer in the front yard. They even came up super close to us while we sat out on the front porch. It was pretty incredible!

Chicken pot pie is one of my Mama’s specialties, and it was just as delicious tonight as always.

Grandmommie made a peach cobbler kind of thing for dessert, and it turned out really yummy too! The edges got a kinda caramelized, and that was my favorite part.

Emmie got very intent on using some little scissors and cutting up tiny slivers of paper. She was being so meticulous and cutting the pieces straight into the ice cream cone on her cart. But she had to hold her little tongue juuuust right in order to get it done correctly 🙂

Grammy got Emmie changed into her jammies, and she picked out a snack for the car ride home. She didn’t want to leave Grammy’s house, and she didn’t want to go to sleep, but she was sweet about loading up. We stopped by Walmart for a slightly-late-evening Grocery pickup, and saw this beautiful sunset sky on the way home!

Emmie was a very good helper bringing in all the bags from the car, and helping me get everything out of the bags and put away. She just loves to help, no matter what the chore is!

After we got the groceries put away, we started on her bedtime routine. I knew Jeff was getting close to home from his drive back to Tally, so we kind of stalled and went slow, so that she could see him before her bedtime. He did get home in time for lullabies and “Jesus Loves Me’s,” and she was so super happy to see him.

She was great at bedtime, and went down super easy. The house is clean and the candle is already lit, so the only thing left to do is just sit down and relax for a little while before bedtime!

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