Jeff got up super early to drive with him mom to pick up the boys. They are spending a week here with us on their Christmas break. So Emerson and I went to my parents house to have breakfast with them and Grandmommie.
And then we went all around town to run some errands. we went to Walmart, Kohl’s and Target. We found a set of Frozen pj’s on clearance for $3 for Emerson, and these adorable slippers for $4, which clearly she bonded with very quickly.
She needed to try them on once we got back to their house, so she took them to Pepaw to put them on for her.
Then she got this box leftover from Christmas, and was pushing/carrying it around. So we put her inside of it! She stood there for a while, and let Grammy feed her bites of her lunch.
I mainly just bought diapers today…
Once we got home after lunch at my parents, Emerson took a two-hour nap, while I worked more on my 2019 Shutterfly calendar. (It takes me forever, because I go back through each month, and choose my favorites. Then January 2018 photos get put on the calendar for January 2019, and so on… and it’s tedious, but it makes a great calendar!) Then when she woke up, we had lots of sweet Mommy-Daughter play time, followed by snack time and a movie.
We played in the front yard for just a little bit, even though it was pretty warm and super humid, and overall just didn’t feel too great outside today. But fresh air was nice, and this girl just loves to be outside!
I had a few books on hold at the library that were ready for pick up, so we headed there. We got there only 15 minutes before closing time, but we had fun wandering around and seeing all the things. Emerson even checked out her very first library book! I’m so proud of her!
I finished this book a couple of days ago (returned it tonight), and I still have some thoughts about it. It was a good book, but definitely not easy to read. Quick synopsis – active shooter situation with hostages, at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. So you can obviously see how that would be difficult. But it definitely gave me things to think about.
This is 2016’s Top 9 Instagram photos. Number 1 (top left) is Manatee Springs State park; #2 (top middle) we bought our very first house; 3 – first Christmas in our new house; 4 – family vacation in North Carolina; 5 – one of my all-time favorite books; 6 – we love Harry Potter; 7- pretty tree at our new house; 8 – trunk or treat igloo; 8 – the day we adopted Pretzel, 2/13/16.
Anyways, after the library, we went over to Jeff’s parents house for pizza dinner, and Christmas with the boys and the Pullen’s.
The boys were so proud of their present for Emmie – they picked it out themselves, because they thought it would look good in her bedroom. It even has little mermaids on it. They were so excited for her to open it.
And Nana & PopPop gave her this Moana doll, and of course she loved it!
The boys’ big present from Nana & PopPop this year was the Nintendo Switch, which they have been the opposite of subtle asking for it. But nonetheless, they were still over the moon ecstatic to open their last present and find it was exactly what they asked for!
Well their actual last present was a game from us, to go with their new system.
After a bath, Emerson put on some her new jammies she got for Christmas, and her new slippers we got at Walmart today.
Then we FaceTime’d with Nita’s two sisters who live in West Virginia.
Just maxin & relaxin.
Nana had to follow us home in her car, so we could fit all the stuff and the luggage and the people, since there was wayyy too much stuff for just my one car. Once it was all unloaded in the dining room, Emmie just made herself right at home smack dab in the middle of things!
OK. And now that I’m finally finished with this super long post, I’ve got to go finish up the last little bit of my calendar, so I can order it tonight before the free code expires! Night friends!