Laundry Day & Fancy Rice

We spent the majority of the day just working on laundry. Washing loads, and folding loads, and even getting everything hung up and put away in the drawers, thank you very much…

Emerson helped me with all of her clothes, but Addison was just playing in the baskets 😉

After washing up all the dishes (Emmie helped me with that too), I was digging through the cabinets to see what I could find. I lucked out with some arborio rice in the back that I had forgotten about (but luckily wasn’t yet expired), so I Googled a recipe for how to cook it in the Instant Pot, which I’ve always wanted to try, added some seasonings and S&P, and it came out so great. We decided this was “fancy rice,” and that I should definitely make it like again. I defrosted some teriyaki chicken i made a couple of weeks ago that I had saved, and this was a great, home cooked lunch on a Saturday!

After lunch Addie and I both fell asleep for nap time, and although Emmie laid down, she never actually fell asleep. Emmie was dying to go to the Trousdale pool/play place thing though, so since Addie was still sleeping, Jeff took Emmie by themselves, and said they had a great time! Had to stop for some icee’s on the way home to help them cool down. Addie actually slept until I went into her room at 5pm, so she slept for about 3.5 hours, and woke up happy.

After they got back home and got dried and dressed, we went out to try a new sandwich place down by FSU. It’s a Philly-style place with tons of options. The bread was really hard/tough, but tasted great, and the sandwich meat and cheese and everything was all really good.

Emerson was totally exhausted during dinner, but since Addison slept so long and late, we went out to play in the front yard for a little bit once we got home, trying to get some more energy out, and really wear them out before bedtime.

Addie wanted to just lay down in her bed by herself for bedtime tonight, but Emmie needed extra cuddles before she was really ready to go to sleep. But they’re both sound asleep now, and we’re going to fold some more laundry while we watch Ted Lasso, and then head off to bed soon.


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