Deep Conversations at the Waffle House

Daycare was closed today for a teacher-planning day,so Jeff stayed home with Addie. That meant I didn’t have to take any kids to school, and I just went straight to work. That also meant I wasn’t around to take the usual photos, and apparently Emmie just wasn’t in the mood for photos, so that’s what the weird faces were about.

And this is apparently the best they could do to get a cute picture of her cute little half-up pony tail I did for her today.

But then you could see she really was all smiles by the time they got to school. And Jeff said she did well with drop-off again today.

And then Daddy and Addie enjoyed a nice yummy breakfast at Waffle House. (Today’s post title comes from a Jonas Brothers song, which Emerson is obsessed with, and we often listen to on repeat..)

For lunch today, my work bestie Heather and I planned to try the newest place in Railroad Square that just opened very recently, It’z Smackin’ A Taste of Miami. We both saw it posted in the Tally Foodies page, and it looked amazing. We had already picked out what we wanted from the menu, and when we got there, the doors were locked and they were closed! Apparently, their hours vary day-to-day while they’re still in their “soft opening” hours.

So we made a quick decision to go back to Venebites, which we both love and knew we’d find something equally as good as what we thought we were gonna have. I got the same arepa paballon I always get, and it was just absolutely delicious as usual.

Jeff took Addison to daycare orientation late this afternoon to meet her new teacher (who we already know of course actually) and see where her new room is going to be. They picked up Emerson after that, and then came home after a stop for icee’s at the gas station. We had a super chill night, just playing and messing around, and eating pizza and cereal for dinner again tonight. I just couldn’t find the energy to actually cook – it’s been such a busy week!

And both girls were feeling super sleepy tonight, and both girls ended up in bed totally asleep earlier tonight on a Friday night, than the past two actual school nights!

I’m feeling worn out and blah, so I’ve already took my own sleepy gummy like the girls take every night, and I’m ready to just chill out and fall asleep early tonight! And that’s the Friday night of a mid-30’s mama 🙂

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