Emerson’s First Day of First Grade!

Emerson was so very excited for 1st grade! She wasn’t one bit nervous (or at least I thought she wasn’t), and was so ready to hop out of the car and run to class. Looking forward to another great year as a Gilchrist Grizzly!

These little plastic 90’s style chokers are also popular again, and she picked some out the other day while we were shopping, because some of her friends have them, and she wanted some too. She was killing me with that, but she does look adorable. Also, she’d been dying to wear this new shirt from Grammy, that says “1st Grade Vibes.”

Also, I really super love the backpack and matching lunchbox we picked out this year, with the cute little pandas and rainbows, and nice light blue background.

We were also happy to see the trippies after we dropped off Addie Pie at daycare. Jeff and I actually drove to daycare separately, but then he picked up me and Emmie, so that all of us could do her drop-off together for the first day. So that was a fun little adventure.

This photo was obviously first, before we left the house, but I wanted those others of Emmie at the top of the post for today. But these little sisters were very sweet together. (Oh, and Emmie and all the other little’s have to wear that lanyard for the first two weeks of school, to help keep them all in where they need to be.)

So after we did drop-off for Emmie, I went in to work just a little late, but of course I still had to stop at the Frother’s Daughter coffee truck in my office parking lot. I got the Harry Potter themed Butter Brew again, and it was of course delicious. And I got myself a little $2 sticker too, to go on my water bottle, which is super cute.

For lunch today, I brought the last bit of my roasted garlic confit, a whole tomato, and some slices of bread. Man I just can’t get enough of this stuff! I’m going to keep the rest of the oil and use it for cooking and stuff, and then obviously I’m going to have to make more garlic now too.

Love these pictures we got of Addison today. Actually, today was her last day in her current “Toddler” class at school, and on Monday, she starts in a new 2-year-old classroom with new teachers. (Daycare is closed tomorrow for a teacher planning day, and Jeff is staying home with her.)


I was so excited to pick up my big 1st grader after school today, and I loved that she came to the car wearing this cute little hat that she colored in class!

She was also very excited to show me all the things in her folder, and tell me about her little daily behavior chart that we are supposed to initial every night. She read off all the “behavior codes” to me, and when she got to #5 and read out “I need to be respectful,” I was like, “Hold on wait, you know how to read the word ‘respectful?!'” She’s already so smart, and it’s only the first day of first grade 🙂

Jeff wasn’t feeling great after work, so he laid down to take a rest. And since he didn’t really want to eat dinner, and I didn’t really feel like cooking dinner, the girls and I just ate cereal together. While we were eating, Emmie just said out of nowhere, “It’s so nice to just eat cereal for dinner.” She’s the sweetest.

Jeff came to hang out with us after he had a little bit of rest, and ate some cereal himself. We had a little time to just chill and cuddle and hang out for a bit, before getting the girls down for bedtime. Both girls were sleepy and ready for bed, but Emmie was especially tired after such a big day back at school. She fell asleep holding my hand, while I was still in the middle of our bedtime prayers and lullabies.

Addie Pie wasn’t quite asleep yet, but she still let me lay her down in her bed, and just rolled over and curled up and went to sleep.

And that wraps up the day! Night, friends. Gonna go finish up the last 3% of my current Kindle book, which has been super cute, and I know it’s gonna be a five-star read.

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