Last Day of Summer

This morning, we met up with Grandmommie at daycare, for Emerson to spend her last day of summer with her. And of course they were both very excited about that. This was Addison waving goodbye to Grandmommie, before we went inside to her classroom.

We got just a couple pictures of Addie from her teachers, but none of Emmie from her Grandmommie 🙂 But I know they both had a great day!

After work, we met up at Cane’s for dinner, where I scarfed down my own meal, and then left Jeff and the girls to finish theirs at a normal pace, and I raced to church for praise team rehearsal, followed by our regular Wednesday night service.

When we got home tonight, we were amazed to find that our neighbor had mowed our front yard once again, and tonight, it looks even better than the last time! Sunday afternoon, Jeff and Emerson took them a box of the brownies and banana bread we had made over the weekend, to thank him for mowing the first time. We’re gonna have to make something else, even better, to thank him again for doing it again, for the second week in a row. What an incredible blessing!

We’ve laid out Emerson’s outfit for tomorrow, right down to the socks, shoes, hair clip, lotion, lip gloss, and even a small tiny stuffy for her backpack. So we are ready. We read one of these little devotionals every day last year for many months, but then things kind of fell by the wayside after a while. We decided to start back up tonight, and we’ll try to do better about keeping up with it for more of the year.

Ended up not having many photos today, and not much to write about, but the first day of first grade is going to be a big day tomorrow!

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