Cotton Candy Girls

Pretty little matching cheetah girls for church this morning. I was also wearing cheetah, but didn’t get a pic. And then we saw like 5 other women and girls at church also wearing cheetah, so today was just the day for it apparently!

Donuts before heading off in our different directions, and you can see Emmie was decked out in all of her new rings today.

We were sitting at two different tables. Jeff left to go back inside for his own donut, and Addie just looked like such a big girl sitting there all by herself.

Delicious lunch at Burrito Boarder after church, mainly because we wanted those freeze drinks since it was so stinking hot. The Sunday special is $3 off the $11 burrito, with the purchase of a drink. And the freeze drinks are the same price as the sodas, so it’s a great deal.

Then of course it was nap time for everyone when we got back home, and we all slept varying amounts. Once the girls woke up, we headed out for a quick visit with Grammy, in her post-op healing. She had a really rough day yesterday, but was actually feeling a little better today, and got to actually enjoy our company. She had ordered some dresses and jammies for all the granddaughters, and they had to put them on right away. We said they looked like cotton candy, and so they decided they were a gymnastics team called the Cotton Candy Girls.

When it was time to leave,we opened the front door, and there was a deer standing right there, eating corn, having her dinner. We were able to walk out on the porch and watch her for a

After leaving Grammy’s, we got a quick drive-thru dinner from McD’s, and then went up to TMH to visit a family friend from Tifton, who was recently admitted with some health issues. She loved seeing the girls, and the girls thought she was hilarious, and she even drew little tattoos on their feet, that Emerson then colored in.

It was bedtime by the time we finally got home, and we got both girls down pretty easily. Jeff went out to pick up our late-night Walmart grocery order while I started on this post. He’s back home already, and all the groceries are put away. Emerson’s clothes for the whole week are laid out for all five days, and Addie’s bag is packed with clean sheets. The living room is a cluttered mess (never got around to tidying that this weekend), but we’re just gonna leave that be for now….

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