Fetal Echocardiogram

It was so cold & windy this morning, Little One wanted a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and a jacket on top of that. Plus gloves!

And this is her super excited face when she saw Aunt Meggie park the van next to us, so we could help get the baby girls out this morning!


Look at this precious little hand-holding parade! So sweet!

We can only see the back of her adorable head here…

But here’s her precious little face now!

Early this morning, I had another appointment at the high risk pregnancy doctor’s office. Today, we did an ultrasound specifically to check Baby Girls’ heart, since Emerson was born with the VSD (and unbeknownst to us, the ASD she later developed as well). So they actually did a fetal echocardiogram on Baby Girl, specifically to check for congenital heart defects, in hopes we could at least catch anything early.

They did the echo to look at and listen to each of the four chambers of her heart, and also to look at and listen to each of the four valves of her heart. She checked the development of the heart and measured everything. They also checked for the flow between the chambers and to make sure that things weren’t out of place, and listened to how each different thing sounded. The nurse told me that at 20 weeks, the baby’s heart is about the size of a quarter, so it’s just barely bigger than that now. Imagine all that they can see & hear, from an organ that’s barely bigger than a quarter!

But everything looked good and sounded good, and I really have no news to report. But in this specific situation, no news really is good news. So praise the Lord for a “boring” check-up today, because that means Baby’s Girl heart is healthy!

And at almost-six-months pregnant, my baby bump is starting to round out and pop out further, and I just feel like I look a little bit pregnant now.

We got fancy tonight with grilled cheese and tomato soup (served in cute little Pioneer Woman measuring cups), and it was delish and comforting since it was so cold today.

Emerson actually spent our 15-20 minute car ride home from school crying and screaming because we forgot a car snack for after school. So of course she got a little snack with Daddy as soon as we got home. But then when it was time for dinner, just one hour after I picked her up, she wouldn’t even eat one bite because she “wasn’t hungry.” I made her stay at the table and wait for us to finish, and told her the only thing she was allowed to eat the rest of the night was this food…

So we went over to the couch to watch tv after dinner, and about 10 minutes later, she decided she was finally hungry, and ready to eat her dinner. So she ate two of the four pieces while we watched some cute little “shorts” on Disney+, and then said she was full.

But then after we started getting her ready for bed, she decided she did want some more, and ate the third of four pieces, while I read her bedtime book.

She actually took a pretty short nap at school today, and I think she was overly tired by the time I picked her up, hence the screaming in the car, and the not wanting to eat… And then by bedtime, she was exhausted but put up a huge fight and cried and whined and flopped around in the bed. It took some doing, but after a while, we got her down, and I think she’s good now.

I’m absolutely freezing now, so I’m gonna grab myself a little nighttime snack, and try to warm myself up on the couch with a blankie. I’m sure I can convince my hubby to come cuddle me and warm me up quicker, because that man is like a heat radiator.

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