Brushing Baby Teeth

Another short little post tonight, after a long Wednesday night…

We did separate sister pics before school this morning, because Addie wasn’t ready before we left. But then both girls were looking very cute, but way too grown up!

Just one picture of Addie Pie from school today… Also, I got a call from daycare at 4:30pm, and I was immediately scared. But they just wanted to tell me she had gotten a scratch on her face on the playground. But by the time I picked her up, she was totally fine.

After I picked up both the girls from school, I got a Happy Meal for Emerson, and she ate in the car on the way to church for kids choir. Then Jeff and I took Addison to dinner at Taco Bell, where that little girl ate an entire bowl of black beans, and most of this soft taco.

We had a good night at Wednesday night praise and worship service, and then got the girls home and started on bedtime. Addie loves brushing her tiny baby teeth lately, but she will not let us help her. Still working on that part of things, to ya know, actually get her teeth clean 😉

Left these two cuddled up on the couch, and took Emmie to her room for books, prayers and lullabies.

It was later than usual because church and such, but Emerson was asleep in no time, and Addison did pretty well too.

I finished reading “The Secret Book of Flora Lea” earlier today, which I absolutely loved – 5 stars for sure. It was a WWII historical fiction, told in alternating time periods, about a mysterious book that shoes up in 1960. That’s probably not a great one-sentence summary, but if you like historical fiction, you should check it out. So now it’s time to move to something a little lighter, so I’ll be starting “Love, Theoretically,” which is Ali Hazelwood’s newest STEM rom-com, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

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