Starbies with Sissy

These girls were both super sweet and happy this morning, even after a late night last night.

Addie was talking about Grammy in the car on the way to school, so we gave her a call from the car. She was so excited to talk to her, and is very excited to go to her house this weekend!

Snapped off this cute little sprig, to start rooting it, to make a baby plant for a friend of mine. It already looks so cute, just in it’s little jar of water.

Picked up Meggie to take her out to lunch today, and she wanted pizza, so we went to Blaze. I did a build-your-own, with sausage, bacon, ricotta, bell pepper, garlic and arugula, and it was so delicious. Then we put in a mobile order for BOGO fall drinks, and walked next door to Starbucks. Today was the last day of the fall special on Thursdays, so obviously we had to take advantage of that.

Just last week, I finally got Meg to try chai, and she ended up loving it. Then she’s gotten like three more since then (from both Starbs & Dunkin), and so today, we both got the venti pumpkin chai, and it was PERFECT today. Like, absolutely amazing and we both drank it so fast. (She was also picking up a mobile order her boss placed while we were there.) We also just had a really great lunch together today, which is just what both of us needed. We actually didn’t even have enough time to talk about everything, so we ended up on a 25-minute phone call while we both drove from our offices to daycare after 5pm.

I wasn’t really in the mood to do much in the kitchen tonight, so I just boiled some frozen ravioli, and nuked a jar of Alfredo sauce. Jeff got stuck at work late, so it was just the girls and I for dinner time. Emerson completely cleaned her bowl, and ate every bite. Addison on the other hand, had to be tricked and convinced to eat just like 3 whole bites…

Emerson got cozy on the couch after dinner, and finished reading the book she got from the school library today. Addison just kept begging for chocolate the whole night…

We always listen to these cute little lo-fi YouTube videos during dinner and such, and we let Emmie pick now, since she knows how to navigate everything. She found this super cute one tonight, that was just perfect for fall, and I thought it was so adorable.

When we went to IKEA at the beginning of the month, we got a couple of new throw pillow inserts and covers, and finally got them unpacked and fixed up tonight. Both girls were very cute and excited to lay down and test them out.

Jeff made it home about the time we finished the pillows, and the girls were so glad to see him. Bedtime went smooth and easy tonight, and as always, we just hope they both sleep through the night!

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