We actually had a bit of a slow morning at home today, making some “homemade” muffins (those “just add milk” packets), with some store-bought frittata’s to go with them. (Those frittata’s were so good too!)
And today is Addison’s actual 3rd birthday, and this was her birthday thumbs up for Mommy!
We did a little photo shoot with the birthday baby girl, wearing her cute little circus shirt that she was so excited to wear again.
Silly girls showing off their random little rocks.
And we had such a slow, easy morning, because we actually skipped church. We never ever do that, but we live-streamed the first half of the service from home, and then headed out across town, to attend the Tallahassee Dance Academy recital at Chile’s, to watch the triplets perform in their dance recital! There were lots of dancers in many different groupings, but the first group of allll the bigger girls was really good, and a great opening number for the show.
Then this dance was unlike anything I’d seen before, as the “skirt” each girl is wearing is actually one giant piece of fabric that they all wear together, and move and dance as one, and it was extremely beautiful and interesting.
And of course the cutest were my little triplet nieces in their little purple glittery tu-tu’s!
So glad we were able to be there for their first recital!
It was after 1:15 by the time we left there, so we went back home for some leftovers for lunch, and then got the girls down for nap. I chose to treat myself to a pedicure, rather than staying home to wash the dishes that needed to be dealt with, because I also really needed another pedicure. Then I was in & out of there so fast, that I still had time to go back home and take a quick nap on the couch afterwards.
Then we went to church tonight for our dinner & Connect Group meeting of the semester. We’ll take a break now during the summer, and kick-off again in the fall. We had a great last meeting with our group, and the girls had fun playing. And apparently Emmie brought the lollipops we got them the other day, tucked away into her little fanny pack, so they opened those up at the end on our way to the car.
I tried to get one more birthday pic of the birthday girl, but she was in her own world and I don’t even know what she was actually doing here 🙂
Little Miss wanted to read a book and eat a snack when we got back home, before we started up on Bluey and the rest of our routine. While I was loving her goodnight, I said, “I love you baby birthday girl.” And she very sweetly asked “It’s still my birthday?” I told her yes it was, and although it wouldn’t be her birthday still tomorrow, she would still be three when she woke up in the morning.
Emmie needed extra loves from Daddy tonight, and Addie won’t let us lay her down in her bed yet. It’s almost 10:30 now at this point, and we’ve been trying to get her down for bed for almost two hours now (but she keeps popping up and crying to be held), so hopefully she’ll be ready soon.