Addie Starts School

After the shortest eight weeks of my life, Addison started school today, and I had to go back to work. Honestly, my two months of maternity leave flew by way too fast, and I was of course not ready to go back to work. But is any new mom ever really ready for that?! Emerson was super excited to have Addison join her at school today, and was making up cute little songs and singing to her on the couch before we left for school. Even though I’ll be doing all the drop-off’s, I made Jeff follow us to school today so we could all go as a family on Addie’s first day. I thought it would be tough (on me!), but I did great, and didn’t even cry! And Addie also did great!


She ate really well at school today, and took a few small-ish naps, and seemed to have a good first day!

And Big Sister had a good day at school today too!

My work day was pretty busy, as I waded back into things after being away for two months. Of course I didn’t remember most of my passwords, and had to contact OIT for like, four different issues, but I made it through… I came back to 900+ emails, and just spent all day trying to click through those and deal with what needed it immediately, and delete as much as I could. To make it through the day, I brought my usual travel mug of hot coffee for this morning, and also a jar of cold coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up, which was definitely a good idea.

After work, I picked up both my girls from daycare, and headed to Nana’s house, where Jeff and the boys met us there. Some of our friends met us there as well, who have lived in Indiana for the past few years, but are back in Florida now. When the boys were little, they played with Danielle all the time, so we wanted to get them together at least once before they go back home in a few days. So Nana made us a giant taco bar and we all had dinner together, and let the kids play and hang out for a while, while the grown-ups got to chat and catch-up a bit.

Emmie had never played with the younger boys before, but they clicked immediately and got along great!

Jeff was holding Addison like this after Nana fed her a bottle, and she fell asleep as he walked around bouncing her, and she just looked so cute and relaxed and squishy!

Lacey, Josh, Jeff and I used to hang out back before we were all married (we all got married the the same October, eight years ago), and now here we all are – two blended families, with seven kids between all of us!

Emmie did really good at bedtime, and was super sweet and lovey with me, and wanted to take some selfies with Mommy.

Today was a long, crazy day, but also a pretty good one. Although, I wish I could have spent the day at home, cuddling my tiniest girl 🙂


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