Whale-y Cute

Today was “neon colors” day at school, and although we didn’t quite hit “neon” we did get both girls in bright blue. (Emmie also chose to wear her mask today, because the other three-year-old class got closed down for covid the other day, and “she didn’t wanna get the bad germs.”)

Baby sister woke up at 3:30am for her first bottle of the day, and then slept through the rest of the morning, until right when it was time to leave for school. So she didn’t have another bottle until she got to school, and she was starving and munching on her little fingers.

Addison was wearing a brand new romper today, with all the cute little whales on it, and it was whale-y cute! 😉

One of Emmie’s friends turned four yesterday, and she brought in tiny donuts for the class to share at snack time. And she had fun doing dress-up with a friend too.

And Addie-girl was all smiles this afternoon at school too!

When I got to school to pick up the girls, I got Emerson first (as always), and then when we got to Addison’s room, we found her sound asleep on the little Boppy, just a happy little snoozer!

Jeff specifically requested “an easy dinner, like hot dogs or something,” because he wasn’t feeling great and just wanted simple. So hot dogs and tater tots fit the bill. Emmie requested fruit too, so we had some mandarin oranges too.







I tried to secretly video Emmie singing along to all of Do-Re-Mi, but she noticed about a minute in anyways. She kept on singing, and I kept on videoing, but the 5-minute+ video was too long to upload to the site. I might take the time to crop and splice some of the cute parts later, but just not in the mood for doing that tonight…

Anyways, Addie fell asleep after eating her bottle with Daddy, and then I grabbed her to snuggle her some myself while he ate. But she popped those bright blue eyes open a few minutes later, and then was up and awake for a while with us.

After getting Emmie to bed, I got Addie all swaddled up, and she fell asleep all on her own while I washed up the dishes.

Going to grab a snack and my book and read a little bit before bedtime now.


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