Movie Theater Popcorn

We got up bright and early today, when the alarm went off at 7am. Lately, Emmie has been waking up on her own anytime between 6:15-6:45. But, she had a doctor’s appointment for her eye this morning, so of course since we had to be up early, today was the one day in forever that she actually slept in. I had texted my friend Abby last night (Emmie’s pediatrician) with photos saying I thought it was worse, and she responding saying she wanted to see her in person today.

She ate a large amount of chocolate peanut butter Cheerios for her breakfast, plus some pink milk.

So what started last Saturday as a small stye on the lower lid of her left eye, has now turned into cellulitis. This basically just means she has an infection in her eye. It’s not contagious, but it is painful for her. But the good news is, it can be treated with antibiotics, and we should see vast improvement over the next 2-3 days. And, she got stickers for the first time from the doctor, so she was super excited about that!

We stopped to grab Taco Bell breakfast on our way back home, since we didn’t have time to eat before the 8am appointment. Emmie loved her breakfast taco, and I loved my breakfast burrito.

And then she tried a sip of my homemade iced coffee, and loved that too.

We played and read, and she piled all the things from her toy bin in between my legs.

Then, we were trying to get some of her energy out and tire her out before nap time. So we devised a plan for Daddy to stand in the kitchen with scissors, while Emmie ran back & forth bring him stuffed animals with tags that needed to be cut off. She made about 30 trips (she has a lot of animals), and the “game” took quite a while. But she loved it! She loves helping! Plus, she really doesn’t like tags on her animals.

We also organized the animals a little bit, and now they’re somewhat less chaotic. We’ve had these little wooden IKEA crates for a while, but they were just sitting empty in a stack, because we didn’t know what we wanted to do with them. But now, most of her smaller animals & lovey’s are in them, under her crib, and it works perfectly!

Them Grandmommie came over to “babysit,” so we could go see “Avengers: Endgame!” Jeff saw it with his dad a whole back, but the boys and I hadn’t seen it yet. And man, it was SO. GOOD. Before I started dating Jeff, I wasn’t really into the superhero stuff so much, but he definitely pulled me into it, and now I love it! I cried, like sobbing crying, and three different points in the 3-hour-long movie. But wow, it was super good. And that movie theater popcorn (and the refill we brought home) was delish. (It’s legitimately one of my all-time favorite snacks.)

And Emmie tried popcorn for the first time, and loved it! I think they’re not supposed to have it until their like 4, but she saw us bring it in, and instantly asked to try it. I gave her one small piece, and then she freaked out asking & signing “more! more! more!” So we gave her a small plate, & that girl went to town!

Then we did some more playing and reading for a while, before sitting down to an early-ish dinner. Emmie also threw a few toddler tantrums during that time too, so we had to all work through those together. On top of that, out of the 10-ish paci’s in our house, we can’t find the one she keeps specifically asking for, so that was tragedy. Jeff and I have searched almost everywhere possible, and can’t seem to find it. Don’t know where else to look!

After just a few minutes of YouTube videos and cuddle time with Mommy on the couch, we got Emmie read for bed. We read a few books, said prayers, she ate some cookies, and then gave me about 50 kisses all over my face and head. And my heart almost burst with the sweetness, especially after all the craziness of earlier this afternoon. She was actually really easy to put to sleep tonight, probably because she was extremely tired, so I was super thankful for that.

We let the boys watch the very first episode of Stranger Things season one last night, and they really liked it. So we’re gonna watch another episode tonight, and hopefully it’s not too creepy for them! (I check on IMDB, and it’s rated TV-14, so we figured since they were almost 13, we’d let them at least try it out and see how it goes…)

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