Matching with My Girls

Matchy-matchy with my sweet girls for church this morning! Addison’s wearing one of Emerson’s hand-me-down dresses, that I used to wear matching with her, and I’m so glad Addie can wear it for a while too. And Emmie was in a similar color, so she could coordinate with us. And I just loved it, and everyone we saw loved it too.

I taught Emerson’s Sunday school class today, and we talked about hospitality and being kind and friendly, and read the story of the couple that made a room for Elisha in their house for when he came to town to visit. We played a cute little activity and talked about ways to be kind and friendly, and they were sweet and cute.

My friend Abby was volunteering in the nursery/baby room this morning, and my goofy little Addie climbed up in this little rocker, and eventually just fell asleep there, all on her own! The swing wasn’t even on, they were playing music and doing bubbles, and she just took a little 15-minute snooze there in the middle of everything!

We went out to lunch at Sonny’s with our friend Britteny, Steven & Elly. It was a great lunch and the girls played so great together, and they took turns wanting to hold Addie towards the end of lunch, which was super cute.

On the way home from lunch, we didn’t want Addison to fall asleep in the car before we could get her down for a good nap, so we put on the “Church Clap” from VBS, and Emmie went crazy dancing. And Addie got super excited, and started kicking her legs and dancing right along with her. And she did NOT fall asleep 🙂

When we got home, we got both girls down a for a good nap, and even Jeff and I fell asleep just sitting in our own respective comfy chairs for a little while. Then we popped up and did some serious cleaning all around the house, mostly the kitchen, living room & dining room. Then Jeff ran out to pick up our Walmart grocery order, and the girls and I spent some time playing in Addie’s room together.

Then our friends Britteny, Steven & Elly came over to hang out and eat a casual dinner, and let the girls go crazy playing everywhere together. I’d been telling Britteny all about the “grinder salad” sandwiches we’ve been loving this summer, and I had just so happened to have gotten all the stuff in our grocery order today, so it was fitting that we made those sandwiches for dinner tonight. It was great to have them over to just have a chill, easy night together, to cap off our chill, gray, dreary day.

After they headed out for the night, Addison was super easy for Jeff to rock to sleep, but Emerson on the other hand “wasn’t tired” and just didn’t want to go to sleep, so it took quite a while to get her calmed down and ready to actually go to sleep.

We did finally get Emerson to sleep, and I worked on my puzzle for a few minutes, and then came to write this blog. I’m heading back to the kitchen to wash up some dishes now, and then I’ll read for a little bit before bed…


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