Little Snowflake

We’ve a had another long, busy Saturday, and we have tons of photos. Let’s do mostly a photo dump, and I’m going to try to do it quickly and keep the writing to a minimum… Emmie loves climbing in the crib first thing, before we can come get Addie up.

She was playing school while we were cleaning up, and she made this “cot” for her “child” for nap time.

After breakfast, playing, chores, lunch and nap time, we got ready and headed downtown, for Emerson to do a tiny dance recital with her ballet class at the Winter Festival. She was a beautiful little snowflake, and did such a good job dancing! (We took a video, but it’s taking forever to upload tonight, and so I can’t share it here yet…)


We took a walk down Candy Cane lane, and also got some photo ops with a bunch of Christmas characters, whom she was very excited about every one of them.

Then we paid $30 for this very disappointing food and a large sweet tea (it was definitely not worth what we paid for it), very underwhelming and not filling, for an afternoon “snack.”

Emmie wanted so badly to stay for the parade, but at 4:15, she was already tired of walking around and there was nothing else to do anyways, and definitely no way to kill three hours before parade start time, so we headed off to a park instead.

And then since we weren’t impressed with the festival food, we went out to Echalee for some Mexican food for dinner, which was definitely delicious and definitely worth it.

I had worked on the tree a little bit more this morning, rearranging some ornaments, adding the red poinsettia’s and holly berries I had forgotten, and the skirt underneath, and it was so nice to come home to such a twinkly sight! We had a little time at home to just chill and play in the living room, and we even watched some of the parade live-streamed on YouTube.

Jeff folded a load of clean laundry while I got Addie ready for bed and gave her a bottle, and Emmie watched part of a Christmas movie on Netflix. We got both girls to bed pretty easily, but quite a bit later than usual. We’re both exhausted, and I can already hear Jeff snoring in the recliner from the other room… I doubt I’ll last much longer before falling asleep myself!



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