Camels & Cows, Coffee & Kettle Corn

We found Sheppy hanging out in the produce baskets this morning, which Emmie thought was hilarious. She also wondered how he got up there without getting wet in the sink, but I assured her he had his own special ways 😉

I picked out her dress this morning, but she picked out all her accessories – socks, shoes, mittens, backpack, and she was also wearing a sparkly reindeer-antler-headband too, that she put on right after the photo.

About 10 minutes after we got to Sunday school this morning, we got a text from the nursery saying Addison had a slight fever and we had to pick her up. So we pulled her out of the nursery, and just sat in the parking lot so that Emerson could finish Sunday school, before we headed back home. Addie finished her bottle for me, and she was smiley and happy and acting fine, and then fell asleep as soon as we put her in her car seat for the ride home.

The girls changed clothes and we spent some time just hanging out and playing a little bit together.

Although she hasn’t quite figured out how to actually do it yet, I can tell she wants to try to pull up…

Emmie ran to Publix with me for a few things for the week, and we picked up Chinese takeout for lunch afterwards too.

After I took this photo, she looked down at the spread and said, “I love all this food.” Long Garden in the Ocala Publix parking lot is seriously so good, and we love the stickiness of all their sauces. Between the three of us, we ate less than half of this, but Jeff will have the rest for lunch this week.

Emmie and Addie both took naps after lunch, and Jeff and I watched a few episodes of “Parks and Rec” to rest, even though we didn’t actually sleep. I gave Emerson a mani/pedi when she woke up, and then did my own fingernails and toenails as well.

We took Addison’s 7-month photos this afternoon, but I need to edit the colors (her face just looks kinda dark) but here’s an “aftermath” photo.

Then we met up with our friends at Four Oaks’ family Christmas party. An older friend of Jeff’s invited us, and then we invited our friends, and it was so nice! There was a huge crowd, and lots of fun things like music, free hot dogs, decorated cars, the Frother’s Daughter, kettle corn, a few games, and a petting zoo from Redemptive Love!

This camel was Humphrey, and he was so soft! I never knew camels were so soft! We loved him! (Also, I didn’t realize I had accidentally hiked up her dress to expose her little biker shorts underneath, but oh well…)

It was bedtime when we got home, so we read a Christmas book by the Christmas tree, and then headed off for lullabies and prayers.

We took Addison to the thing with us tonight, but she pretty much just stayed in her stroller almost the whole time anyways, and was asleep for the whole last hour with the hood up inside her little cocoon… so apparently we just forgot to take any photos of her. Oh, although she might have had a slight fever this morning, by the time we checked it at home this morning, it was only 99.1, and it never came back. She never acted like anything was wrong, and she’s still on two antibiotics for her ear infection and the eye goop, so I think she’s perfectly fine.

Now, I think it’s time to watch a little bit of tv with hubby, and eat some of that kettle corn we got earlier tonight!

Oh, and we finally got the ballet recital dance video from yesterday uploaded, so I’m just gonna randomly throw it in right here. It’s adorable!

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